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FTP Directory

Dark Family

     This story's got romance, adventure, mind control, evil plants, and a secret government plan. What more could you ask for?

Night Shadow

     Ranma is stalked by a vampire. Akane and a vampire hunter, named Morgan, are the only ones who can save him. But, how far is Akane willing to go to save Ranma?

Project A-kane

      Akane is transferred to Gravitron High, where she meets some... um ... interesting friends, namely A-Ko and C-Ko. (Crossover: Project A-ko)

Time Slip

     Ranma steals Happosai's magic mirror and goes back to Jusenkyou to stop himself from being cursed. Only one problem... Akane accidently goes along with him, and ends up getting trapped in time? dimentions? (This is unknown to Ranma.)

     Finally, Ranma has a chance to start over, create a new life without his curse, and make a new beginning with Akane. But... good things can't last forever. When Ranma learns that the Akane he knew in his original life is in danger, he is forced to choose between the Akane he fell in love with in his new life, or the Akane he fought constantly with in his original one.

Daruma 1/2

     Akane buys a Daruma doll to help her win an essay contest. But, the Daruma doll has other plans. She wants to grant Akane's deepest wish. Something about a certain pig tailed martial artist...

A Faint Hope

     An intereresting twist to Star Wars. Akane is Hans Solo, Ranma, Luke Skywalker, and Ryoga Chewbacca. (Its hilarious.)

A Chinese Ghost Story

     Akane's a ghost, Ranma's a scholar, and Ryoga's a monk. Its good, trust me. Just read it.


     Akane dies and Ranma trys to cope. After he remembers what happened in Jusenkyou he finally realizes that he loves her.


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