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Angie's Ranma 1/2 Retreat

Aww... aren't Ranma and Akane cute together?!

Added new site: Waiting For You...
(This site will be gone soon, so please update your links!)

Series Introduction:

Welcome! This page is dedicated to the wonderful manga and anime by Rumiko Takahashi, Ranma 1/2. Ranma 1/2 is about a teenage martial artist (Saotome, Ranma) who is knocked into a cursed spring in China while training with his overzealous (not to mention lazy, selfish, and stupid) father, Genma. Now, whenever Ranma is splashed with cold water, he turns into a beautiful, busty, young girl... hot water is the only thing that can change him back into a boy.

My favorite thing about Ranma 1/2 is the complicated relationship Ranma has with his fiancée, Akane. Most of their problems stem from the fact that Ranma has two other fiancées as well! He is engaged to a Chinese Amazon whose name is Shampoo, and his childhood friend Ukyou. Akane, however, is considered the only true fiancée. For one thing, they were engaged before they were even born, and for another, Rumiko Takahashi herself said they were the only real couple.
The manga/anime follows Ranma as he continues to search for a cure to his curse-- all while trying to placate his jealous fiancées and figure out which one he truly loves: it's Akane. ;)

Hope you enjoy my page!


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