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A Guided Meditation For Children

Many school aged children are simply too excited to sleep come
bedtime. Here is a simple guided meditation to help your child relax and
get his/her much needed sleep. Try it with your child. Or yourself, it
works great for adults as well.

Begin by having your child confortably lie down on his back with
his hands by his sides. Have him take a few deep breaths. Describe
to your child a relaxing atmosphere such as a beach or a meadow,
and tell him to imagine he is there.Using a calm and soothing voice,
say words suchas these: "Think about your toes. Breath in clean
fresh air. Breath out all the bad feelings." move your way through
the whole body in this order. toes, feet, legs, knees, hips. fingers,
hands, arms, elbows, shoulders, stomach, chest, back, neck, head, and
face.. after you have talked him through his whole body have him open
his eyes. He should now be much more relaxed.

A few pointers
-expect a few giggles if your child is not accustomed to activities
such as these
-younger children tend to have shorter attention spans, you might
consider grouping major body parts to shorten the duration
-if you are angry with your child for some reason try using
it on yourself before you go to lecture him
- if your voice is not calm your child will pick this up and
it will be less affective

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