
More stuff will be added to this page as I discover it. If you have any really keen ideas and would like to share them, my eh-mail address is at the bottem of this page.


Spudgun Ignition System

Basic: Very simple and very reliable ignition system, feel free to make improvements
The above is a simple diagram of the ignition system I use on all of my spud guns.  I have found it to be a very reliable
system (its the only one that has ever worked) and is safer then some other ideas I've heard on the net (like waving a
blowtorch over a 1/16" hole in the side of the chamber -- deathwish), it also retains simplicity and portability.
Q    Part
1       push-button replacement gas grill ignitor
2       2" drywall screws (size may very with chamber diameter)
2       2' sections of insulated wire (or however long you want for your gun)
2       insulated gator clips
--      electrical tape, solder, soldering iron
1.  Drill two holes into the chamber of your gun about 90 degrees apart, as shown in the diagram.
2.  Screw the drywall screws into the chamber so they are seperated by about a quarter inch for the spark gap near
     the center of the chamber.
3.  Solder one end of each wire into the back of each gator clip, do a good job so it works well, and then tape or solder
     the other end of each wire to the ignitor as shown.  Wrap a lot of tape around all connections, or slide the whole
     contrapulation into a 3/4" section of PVC to insulate so it fires through the gap and not through your hand.  If you
     only tape it, hold it like a syringe rather then clenching it in your fist so your hand isn't close to either contact.
4.  When you want to fire it, attach the gator clips to the screws, load, spray, fire.

The advantage of this system is that you can use one ignitor for all of your guns (which lowers the cost of each gun by
quite a bit) and you can detatch it when you throw your gun into the trunk so you don't arrive (wherever that may be) and
find your *only* ignitor to be broken.

Chamber Extension

Easy: Power up those weakling guns!
Don't throw that under powered gun away.  I originally created this device to increase the chamber size of one of my
bigger guns that I had put a chamber on that was too small for its size.  It worked much better then I had ever thought it
would and it saved me the money and time I would have spent on buying all new parts and rebuilding it from scratch.
This part can also be used to temporarily increase the power of any gun, but be careful.  If you make one too big you
could wake up one day with tiny spines of PVC shrapnel imbedded throughout your body.

These instructions are written for a chamber diameter of 3" since it is most common.  If your chamber is different, and
you need me to tell you to buy those parts instead of these. . .
Q   Part
1      3" piece of 3" PVC
1      3" threaded female adaptor thingy
1      3" threaded male adaptor
1.  Purple prime everything to be glued.
2.  Do not get any glue on the threads.  Glue the threaded female adaptor to one end of the 3" PVC section.
3.  I only built this once and I didn't get the measurements so estimate how much of the 3" PVC you will need to attach
     the threaded male adaptor so it touches the female one and no 3" PVC is showing.  Cut it to that length if necessary
     and glue the male adaptor in place.

I know the picture isn't my best but you should end up with a device that has a male threaded end and a female threaded
end.  The male end screws into the chamber in place of the plug, and the plug screws into the female end.  This will give
your guns about 4-5" of extra chamber length.


Easy: Quickest way to manufacture wadding

Wadding allows you to fire projectiles that are smaller then the barrel of your guns and still use the full power of the gun.
All you need to make large quantities of decent wadding are aluminum foil, a 3/4" segment of PVC the same diameter
as the barrel of your gun, and a hammer.

1.  Ball up the foil so it is slightly wider then the PVC segment.  This way there are no gaps around the edges when you
     pound it in.

2.  Pound it down good into the pipe and flip it over and pound it the flat the other way, and then push it out of the pipe.

I'm not going to explain how to use wadding.  If you do not know, you are stupid and should stop breathing.

Instant Shell Maker

Easy: Quickest way to make a potato fit to your barrel
This is just a 5" segment of PVC the same diameter as your barrel with one end of it filed down to a sharp edge.  Just
insert a potato onto the sharp end and ram it down against something hard and push out the perfectly rounded shell.
An even better way is to just file down the end of the barrel of your potato gun so you can just ram it in.  This way is
even better because its one less part to lose.

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