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Our Motives

"You could well be right, but you could also be mad."
"I am both"
-Eddie Moonchild

Well, as I said, there are a lot of them. The desire to do it and see if we can do it, the desire to make and organize all the stuff that we’ll need to do it. The original motive of getting off the Earth because it’s filled with idiots who are destroying it. The aspiration to space travel in general. The somewhat idealistic idea that we can make this new society better than the old one. I say again, there’s a lot of reasons.

Now, you'll see a lot of Mars mission enthusiasts saying we have to go to Mars to look for evidence of life. I don't go with that. Sure, we should look, and we might find something, but whatever happened to travel for the sake of travel? I'd like to go to Mars to know that we can, and to see what it's like.

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