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Stage 2

Here is Stage 2 of my project. We cut the frame, insert the tubing, and tack it back together :-) (Pictures Below)

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Heres the Frame completely Cut in half.

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Heres a close up of where the botom of the frame is cut at. We measured across first to find the center and then used a peice of soap stone to mark the area, and then I went to work with my Hacksaw (A dull one at that!)

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This is the Pipe that will be going inside the tubing on the frame. The Initial Idea for splicing the Frame is to take these peices, and put them inside the frame tubing. Weld them to the frame. Then take another peice of tubing big enough to go around the frame, splice it in half, cut a v in each end, and then weld it all together. Should be quite a big stronger then the original frame when all is done.

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Getting Ready to insert the pipe inside the tubing of the frame.

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And heres the Frame with the tubing inserted into, Not welded yet though. If your wondering what those little "things" on each end are, those are cotter pins that was put in to keep a even amount of tubing in each end of the frame. Nifty eh?

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And heres the botom part of the frame with the tubing inserted. The chain binders purpose is to be able to adjust the amount of tubing on each end. Unfourtantly I didn't do on the botom like I did on the top. Would have saved alot of time.

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A Sorta angled view of the whole contraption.

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Heres my Dad tacking together the botom part of the frame. I guess I should note that in these pictures all the welding is temporary. After this We'll be trying to get the motor mounted.

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My Dad tacking together the otherside on the botom.

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I thought this was kinda cool looking. He's tacking together the left (Sitting on it) Side of the top.

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Working On The Right side of the top.

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Finishing up the left Side

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Heres a nice closeup of the botom of the frame after its been tacked together.

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The Top of the frame finished tacking.

Thats all There is for now. Checkout the next stages To see what else I've got done on my Monster 500X project.

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