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About Me

Name: Sarah Petrina Mortensen
Age: 18
Date of birth: 1/7/81
Where I live: Whangarei
Nicknames: Shorty, Sahara, bubbles, cuddles, sar, saz, left-eye II, morty, babe

Favourites Movie: Romeo + Juliet, Armageddon, Titanic and Empire Records
TV programme: Dawson's Creek, Felicity, Friends and South Park
Music Group: Hanson (visit my Hanson site here), TrueBliss, 5ive, NSync, Backstreet Boys, Aerosmith and The Feelers
Singer: Lauryn Hill, Britney Spears, Robbie Williams and Billie
My favourite TrueBliss song (s): Freedom, La Isla Bonita and I love the Way
