Family... my one and only ....

She stares at the ceiling
She wonders wat she's doin here
Ohhhhhh She's waiting for her time to come

I walked past the corridor
I sneaked a peak at her dying face
I wish i could give her a hug
But i just stopped myself

Ohhhhhhhhhhh My tears jes trickled out of my eyes

And I wished I could do something about it
And I wished I could take her pain away
And I feel her every inch
Somehow I know that she longs to leave

Please I beg of you
I bow down my head as low as I can
Take away her agony
Ohhhhhhh………. I can’t stand looking into her eyes….
As their gleam they slowly die

I see a soul, all bitter and stale
A spirit tired of fighting this war
Awaiting the next attack
To collapse to the ground below.


I hear her between doors
Shuffling noises filled the air
Hiding under the covers
As the pain and moans starts

Stop it I tell you stop it
She can’t take no more
If this doesn’t end soon
She’ll fall, oh god , she’ll fall

I lay my hand on her
N pray for comfort
Problem is I’m no jesus
Nothing I can offer, nothing

And I wish I could hold her
Tell her everything’s good
How could I lie, I know I can’t
She’s fading away, so slowly

Should I make things easier
To give up hope and miracles
Just get a knife or some sort
Fulfill her wishes and let her go

What am I thinking, I’m a saddist,
I love her but not like this
She’s not the same anymore, no
It’s all about war, her personal war

If I don’t care who will
No one does, not him not her
She’s just wasting time and money
They don’t fucking feel for her

Those insensitive bastards should go
They don’t belong here, not this roof
No one loves her like me, yes I do
No one does, they can’t see it
