
Some flows....

It burns my throat but I chug it in
I don’t know any other solution
Unless I choose to burn my insides
Or kill my lungs more than I already have

So what shit is good anyway
U’ve gotta hurt urself to forget
There’s no other solution
Gotta give wat it takes

Who am I really, what had I become
I’m not who I thought I’d be
Whatever happened to that nice sweet girl
Living life to fullest, alwiz so carefree

Am I asking for it, just looking for trouble
Pinning myself down over nothing
I could gif no fuck bout everything
And continue my beautiful utopia world

Now that’s not so hard is it
But my mind keeps flying away fr me
Keep putting tortures to myself
No one else to blame, all comes deep within

When will I escape this horror
What da hell is wrong with me
Am I sick in the mind or just fucked up
Is this really me, is it is it?


Why’d you choose me anyways
It was always her, no one else
You don’t need me, I’m no different
I’m just a passer by nothing so significant

Words that are coming outta your mouth
Are just words with empty promises
You say u do mean them
But yet u wave em away as ur heart pleases

Fuck I’m so naïve and gullible
Thinking I can make things better
Change ur life make u happy
Yeah as if it was that easy

How long do u wanna drag me in this
Till I can take no more and break
I’m one step away fr insanity
When will u set me free

Tried to follow rules, go by the books
It’s all horseshit, now I know
I gotta step back to reality
I’m in no wonderland why can’t I see tat

To give and not take
Who’d be so stupid to do such thing
No it don’t work no more in life
Gotta wake up and open my eyes

Dunno wat u wan fr me
Am I just another fucked up excuse
So u can go to her without guilt
Cos it’s alwiz my fault, it’s alwiz me.

Why do I bother, why should I care
Know I can’t do anything, nothing I can’t offer
You’ll never be satisfied, never grateful
It’s jes one lame excuse after another


Sweat, perspire beneath my skin
Nausea, pain grabbed me from deep within
Rich thick sweet ol’ blood of mine
Contaminated with toxic as it reaches up to my mind;
My imagination can’t stop running wild
Is it all real? I know I need to grasp hold of reality
Alone by myself as if a lost lil child
Wake me up from this insanity;

Cherry blossoms, sweet smell of spring
Walks in the park, children happily playing
It’s all coming back to me now
It’s slowly coming back to me now;
The soul I once was, spirit I once had
The naiveness, the innocence that I’ve been spared
Life was full of hope and dreams then
Just waiting as time pass, soon to be condemned;

Some bitch better free me now
I don’t wanna be stuck in this fucking cage
But where else could I gain peace and silence
Who could I seek to repay my vengeance…..

Clock ticking as seconds drifts away
I hide beneath the sheets and they came out to play
Setting out to destroy another pitiful victim
Hover and trap them into their realm;
How many more souls to take before you stop
How many do you intend to see stumble and drop
The journey to it all gives you satisfaction to watch
As their staggering bodies collapse at your feet;

Yes you feel like the great almighty
We bow and worship your greatness eternally
Knowing there’s no way to escape this ever
We’d be sucked back into this pit…

Cried all night in my room
Not something new I know
How else can I express my sorrow
How else can I handle your blow

You hurt me bad real bad
I thought I was your only one
I fought off and won the other
Then a new come comes

I gave you all of me
And this is what you do
Gave you the ticket to my life
Though you treat me like a fool

So now I’m a toy with two masters
Him the first part of the journey
And you the latter half
Eyes gauged out, hair pulled off me

You both make a perfect team
Destroying people’s lives
You might as well walk out with a knife
And slash every soul to be seen

*Guess it doesn’t matter after all
Everything that you do to me
I was never myself to begin with
Just an empty case created to breathe

Do I have to battle once more
This time would you see me fall
What I give you will never be enough
Was never meant to be your other half

And if I do win, would you gain victory as well
Was I really the chosen one
To be with you along the way
Or just another cast in your goddamn play

I guess I should thank you for that chance
But I don’t have strength left to dance
Afraid if I fall I’d be sent offstage
You’d just pick another off the line.
