Nothing much really, some crappy stuff I wrote during my free time when I'm alone in my room.

Chilly wind blowing gently
Surpassing my face with drops of water
Pull myself together as I take another step
Closer and closer to that destination
Where streets glimmer and
Grasses grow by the side of pavements

No clouds no rain
Bliss is all there is, as I reach out to grasp hold
Of things I’ve never known
Where dreams are possible and
Failure just does not conquer any soul

Be merry, be merry, no point dwelling in memories
Your dark past is all gone, you are new now
Love yourself like you’ve never done before
Do nothing but what you please
Bless yourself before you think of others
Cos it’s only you that should matter

To start a life, it must be from the root
And achieve victory depends on oneself
There’s still much to learn child
You’ll never grow old, never in the eyes of others

Take painful torture as learning processes
And not let them weaken the strength in you
No one knows me more than I alone
Pay no heed to people’s minds and words

For every action, to myself I should answer
And no one else, no one else
Forget the previous me who cared
Who worries about every little detail

Perfect am I not, I can only do wrong
I’d only run, run to where my feet takes me
As far as possible, in search of nothingness
But that gives me peace, the solitude calms me

Thus nothing am I walking away
No one am I running from
I just like it, like it so
When I speed off, riding alongside the wind.


Sometimes I wished I wasn’t there
The things I do for you is pointless
You could never see things my way
You’d just think bout yourself , all about you

Could never be angry or hurt
Wishful thinking that I could give more
At the end I see you walk away
Life just sucks at then end of the day

How the hell did I get myself into this
Thought it was all good, all perfect
You were so like me in all aspects
Yet just so hard to please

Never contented nor thankful
For moments spent together
And demanding for more of me
I’m dying away can’t you see

I love you no doubt
There’s no reason to why I do
But please try to understand
I’m doing the best that I can

Insecurity and paranoia fills me up too
Sometimes worse than it overcomes you
Gotta have faith and trust
One thing I feel you don’t have in us

How do I get you to understand
Maybe you never will
Or is it me who should take the stand
Emotions of the ordinary I’d never feel

So maybe the problem lies in me
Yet I’m still to blind to see it
Dunno how to handle or change myself
Maybe I’m just meant to be one

What to do with this crap
Wanna throw it down the drain
But do I have the heart
No, I’m sure I’d be filled with pain

Can’t ask you not to be mad
You’re not in this stage of life
Things for you are carefree and idle
Just have to bear with you one way or the other.
