
When life seemed so hard to go by,
And my soul was hanging by the thread,
I wished I could spread my wings and fly,
Leaving my life filled with sorrow and dread,
Then you held me up and saved my fall,
You helped me overcome them all,
Taught me not to lose, not to give in,
No matter how terrible things may seem.

You taught me to be strong, and to hold on,
To do what’s right and avoid all wrongs,
You shielded me from danger and pain,
Regardless of shine nor rain,
You sparkled when there was no light,
You’d never give up without a fight,
Never had I a chance to cry nor frown,
When you’re there with me, when you were around.

I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done,
Nor can I love you anymore that I’ve already have,
I can still sense your presence though you’ve left,
Deep inside, I know you’re my guardian angel,
You’re the one….
