Frequently Asked Questions
- How come I don't update more often?
Well, I try to update at least once a month. But I work a 40+ hour job, am trying to get another job as well, not to mention starting a volunteer stint at a local wildlife center. Add to that I have an old injury ( check out my RSD site )that I've been in and out of the hospital for, have had a serious illness in the family, and that I do have a personal, social life, and I am pretty busy. I will try to do more updates...keep in mind the fans input helps me out greatly, because sometimes I don't hear about Si news until weeks after the fact! So keep those e-mails coming! :) Thanks!
- What SI issue featured Simon?
I am not sure. I looked and could not find my issue. I do know that it was in the winter of '96-'97.
- What is tattooed on Simon's arm?
Contrary to popular belief, it is a mandala, and not a dreamcatcher.
- Hey, what happened to the pictures of Simon and Mitchell, his son?
His mother e-mailed me during the summer, requesting Mitchell's picture be taken off the web and I graciously did so.