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Chris' Horoscope and Zodiac
Please keep in mind that this is all meant to be harmless fun. Also, these are all true "facts" about the Aquarius Zodiac; I did not write any of it.
(January 21 - February 18)
The Water Bearer
Aquarius Gemstone: Aquamarine
January Birthstone: Garnet
Lucky Day: Wednesday
Lucky Color: violet
Lucky Numbers: 3, 4
People born under the Aquarius Zodiac are sincere and warm-hearted with an ability to ease the tension in any situation. A true diplomat, they are clear in their own demands without failing to see the value of compromise. Because of their keen mind and endless supply of creativity, they are a natural leader in both business and social life. Likewise, they endear theirselves to others with little effort; however, they don't flourish as well when they are alone. Aquarius-born persons are versatile people who excel in all fields and professions. However, engineering, research, and laboratory work are often their first areas of choice. They like company and are natural entertainers. Aquarius-born people are known for being loyal and loving. If an Aquarius marries, it will probably be for life.
Most Compatible with:

  • Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) - "Aquarius and Libra, a perfect match! A relationship that combines Mozart with Willie Nelson, marmalade with grape jelly, but in between days and nights of sublime flowers, magic, and unending delight. Communication is quick, thoughts are never left unsaid and because of this, silence is golden, never fraught with tension. Celebrate!"
  • Gemini (May 22-June 21) - "Aquarius and Gemini, a perfect compatible match! Aquarius is happy to rein in the wayward Gemini and Gemini is happy for the Aquarian’s recognition of their independent but sometimes helpless nature. Very loyal to one another, the lives are filled with Grand Romance!"
  • Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) - "Aquarius and Sagittarius a perfect match! There was never a more emotional poem written nor a more sublime piece of music composed than these two can create together. Their lives make up a canvas filled with primary colors of blues and yellows, streaked with rainbows of pastels, and the infinite depth that black can bring. Their relationship will be fraught with love, understanding, and inspiration."
  • And, finally, other Aquarius- "Aquarius and Aquarius, a match made in heaven! All the things they say about irresistible forces meeting immovable objects are true, true, and true. Something’s gotta give! Love songs are written, soap operas are created, and cathedrals of love soar high into the sky. At the end of each year together, they ring in a new year with a romantic New Year’s Eve party for two that shows the world their love stands the test of time. "

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