This page is dedicated to the timber wolf (canis lupus). I have been fascinated with the wolf for years and this page is my small contribution to helping the wolves. I hope it proves informative and shed some light on these magnificent animals.
General Information:
Many years ago, wolves had a vast range, from one coast to the other. However, during the last century, they were killed to the point of extinction. Today, the wolf range is much smaller-in Alaska, Canada and some areas of Minnesota. People fear wolves, having read the horrendous stories such as "Little Red Riding Hood" when they were younger. Look at these eyes....Don't tell me that an animal with eyes like that has no soul! There are wolf organizations that are making a difference:
Timber Wolf Information Network
Wolf Haven International
Wolf Song of Alaska
(I was fortunate to visit their wolf exhibit in downtown Anchorage)
International Wolf Center
Adopt a wolf!
Dakota, my dog, is the "wolf" in my life. I found him at the local SPCA. He is a very headstrong Chow/Akita mix (or "Chiquita" as I lovingly call him!). I wasn't looking for a dog, but when I found him, I couldn't leave him there. He wasn't up for adoption but I talked the supervisor into letting me adopt him, with the option to bring him back if it didn't work out. They thought he would be too aggressive and he was scheduled to be euthanized that very week. We have been together for 7 years and I have never had any trouble with him, though he does like to pull on the leash when we go for a walk.
*To find out more about dogs and the various dog breeds, visit the American Kennel Club page.
A message from Dakota and Stacy: Visit your local SPCA and adopt an animal in need!
All pictures by Jim Brandenburg.
Copyrighted in 1998 by Stacy and her dog Dakota.
I am currently reading Nicholas Evans' new book, "The Loop". I recommend that everyone read it...it's been a great read so far! To find out more about the plot, click on the book:
Remember the Ark!! Let's make sure there will be enough animals to go two-by-two in the next one!
Click on the wolf's eyes to go back to my personal page.