Other Famous Ojibwe's
It occured to me one night that it would be interesting to see if there are any other famous people of Ojibwe heritage. I was impressed by what I found and think you will, too. When possible, I included a link to pages dedicated to these people, as I would quickly have run out of space on this page and also, I felt that one page did not do them justice.
Denny Lambert - Formerly a member of the NHL team Ottawa Senators, now with the Nashville Predators; also from Wawa, Ontario
Lambert's ESPN Profile
Ted Nolan - Former head coach of the Buffalo Sabres; voted NHL Head Coach of the Year in 1997
Norval Morrisseau - Born near Beardmore, Ontario (now known as 'Thunder Bay'); founder of Legend or Medicine Painting; elected to Royal Canadian Academy of Arts.
Norval Morrisseau's Bio
A comic book? - Yep, believe it or not, there is a comic book out there about Ojibwe's. It's called A Hero's Voice and is published by the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe from Onamia, Minnesota. The characters are Georgie; Grampa and Jennie. The heroes are Naygwanabe; Shawbashkung; Migizi; Nodinens; Ayshpun (Sam Yankee) and Waywinabe (Arthur Gahbow). The link on the next line will take you to a page that explains more about the story, info on how to order and a virtual look at the comic book.
A Hero's Voice
Hole-in-the-Day (Bug-O-Nay-Geeshig) - A Minnesota Ojibwe Chief; first treaty negotiated with the government was in 1855; was popular among the band and the government officials
Bug-O-Nay-Geeshig: Minnesota Ojibwe Chief
The Ojibwe Who Wasn't: Shania Twain - Currently one of the most popular female country singers; Shania's birth name was Eileen, she changed it to "Shania" (which means "On My Way" in Ojibwe) when she arrived in Nashville, TN. Her step-father was an Ojibwe and a few years ago, the media roasted her over the fact that she claimed herself as an Ojibwe when she actually had no blood relation to her father; the media said that she made false statements about her heritage. However, she explained that her step-father was the only father she had ever known and that she had in no way meant to mislead anyone.
Shania Twain Homepage