Place of Birth - Wawa, Ontario, Canada in 1/30/72 (check out his horoscope)
Heritage - Canada's Ojibwe Nation; wears his hair long to honor his Native North American heritage and has a tattoo of a mandala (often confused with a dreamcatcher ) on his left bicep
Family - Divorced, recently rumored to have gotten married; one son from previous marriage, Mitchell (Go to my pictures page to see two great pictures of Chris with Mitchell); father, John; mother, Linda; and one sister, Charlee
During Off-Season - Works with Native youth by sponsoring hockey clinics; trains in Venice Beach, CA during the off-season with trainer T.R. Goodman, who also trained hockey players Chris Chelios, Jeremy Roenick, Bob Probert, Rob Blake and Anson Carter this past summer
Life after Hockey - Would like to operate a small hunting and fishing lodge
When He's Not On the Ice, He's Most Likely To Be...either hunting or zooming around on his Harley hog
Quote About Simon - A commentator once mused "Big Chris Simon probably hunts moose with his bare hands"
Something For Fun...What's in a Name? - "Chris" is of Greek/Latin origin, derived from "Christopher", meaning "Christian"; "Christ-bearer" and is the 61st most popular name
Other facts - He is a recovering alcoholic
A mailing address to use to send fan-mail to Chris:
Chris Simon
c/o Washington Capitals
MCI Center
601 F Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Thanks, Ace!
Simon Says
"If you go around and play on the perimeter, you never get hurt. Any guy who fights pretty much has shoulder injuries. It's something you've got to deal with. I wasn't expected to play and now I'm playing in the Finals."

Let's take a stroll through Wawa...wait a sec. "Wawa?" you ask. "Isn't that a convenience store?" As a matter of fact, yes, it is. To read more about their interesting history, click here. But I am talking about Wawa, Ontario, Canada. Here are some interesting things I read about Simon's birthplace (all info taken from the Wawa Tourist Information Bureau):
- There is a Wawa Goose Monument; a giant 4 ton statue of the Canadian Snow Goose which is at the very entrance of the town. The Goose Monument is especially fitting for the town..."Wawa" is Ojibwe for "wild goose".
- Very popular hunting ground for moose and bear.
- Current population is 4,100.
- Total amount of snowfall for 1995-96: 15.3 feet.
- Situated on the Trans Canada Highway between Sault Ste. Marie and Thunder Bay.
For more information, visit the new Wawa site.