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Pictures, Sound Clips and Videos

A fave of mine:

Thanks for sharing, Suz!


A picture of Chris at a practice
A young Chris Simon, when he was still with the Nordiques
A goatee-less Simon
Head shots
A black and white picture taken during the 9/13/98 training camp
A picture of Chris outside a practice, signing autographs
Chris clobbering Mighty Duck Leclerc
Thanks, Suz!
A great picture of why Chris is among the best fighters in the NHL
Picture courtesy of Kerrigan. If you want to see more NHL fights, check out her Brawls page!
Some pictures a friend of mine took at a Caps open practice, including a Simon picture
A picture of Chris fighting, when he was still with the Nordiques
Pictures of Chris on the ice-one talking with Olie the Goalie and the other skating
Another picture of Chris on the ice
A picture from BBS

Chris showing an Ottawa Senator who is boss
Chris losing his balance
Chris outside

Chris watching a practice

Pictures 1, 2, 7, 15, 16 and 20 are courtesy of Ace. Pictures 15 and 16 are from the new Capitals Pet Calendar. If interested in getting your own copy, check out the Capitals Official Page.

These sound clips are from a recent HTS interview and are courtesy of Ace (thanks!):
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V

The following videos shouldn't take longer than 10 minutes to download. Also, I was given permission to use them for this site.
Chris slipping a goal past the Hurricanes goalie.
From last season, during the playoffs.