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My RSD Story

I sprained my foot twice in the span of 10 years. The first time my foot never really healed; I re-sprained it a year ago. Since then I have had burning pain, discoloration, muscle spasms, as well as itching. I used to be a ballerina, so this lack of motor skills is especially anguishing for me. My general doctor referred me to an orthopedic specialist, who thought I had a stress fracture, so I had to wear a heavy boot-cast in the hottest part of summer for six months. He continuely asked me what it felt like to me and I told him damaged nerves...he just hemmed and hawwed and his next step was a cortisone shot. There is no way I can describe the pain I felt. I could not walk for the day afterwards. I started to wonder if it was in my head...he finally did a bone scan and that was when I was diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. What?! I'd never heard of this before. It took me 8-9 months before I was disgnosed. He then said there was nothing else to do, that I would have to take some medication for the rest of my life. I am only 26 years old and did not want to live with chronic pain. So I opened the phone book and got a second opinion. There was a center for pain relief in my very town and this doctor didn't tell me about it. I made an appt. with them and the next week I began my lumbar sympathetic nerve block shots. I have now had two. And unfortunately, don't see a big difference. Other than my back hurting and being sore the next day. My new doctor prescribed me with medication to take along with the shots, and I now have a physcial therapist who suggested doing exercises in a swimming pool and also gave me a TENS unit to try out. We have yet to see how that works. A lot different from not being able to do anything else! I would like to hear from anyone who also has RSD and/or has family or friends with RSD. I don't live in an area that has a support group for people with RSD and I would like to chat with someone about this disorder. I found most of my RSD info from the Net and have included links to the sites I found most useful.

RSD Coalition

I hope you share your RSD stories...please e-mail me. Thanks!