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The Woodsman's Dawn

Comes the morning light and I sit alone. Whether I am watching the waves roll upon the beach, or the sun rise over a mountian ridge. This is the time of day which is all my own.

For in this time of peace I come to know myself. The love I've shared or the loneliness I've felt. It is my time to take stock in where I've been. To decide if I've brought happiness to others or only to myself. Is my life one that has caused others to smile or brought them only pain.

As we leave our foot prints on the earth. We need to take stock for we are accountable! It is better to go unseen than to harm others. I often wonder after the feelings of those I've touched. Are they happy in having seen me or wished they had gone untouched?

So the sun does rise and so do I. And it is a new dawn.