The Ultimate Digimon RPG!!
Hey Guys WUZ UP!? Here is where you join my page ^^. I hope you guys visit more often. to join you can IM my yahoo messanger SN: tai_the_leader, my chatroom name TaichiKamiya, my message board or click on my pic to email me.
Picture: Send me a picture of your character - URL is fine, I'll get you and understand you if you just put url, but if you are going to be a regular digimon character, I can provde pictures for you just email me to join or post it up on my message board.
Name:The name of your character.
Sex:The sex of your character.
Speices:You can either be a human or Digimon or Whatever you like ^^.
Chat Handle:Your name that will be used in the Chat.
Height:The height of your character.
Weight:The weight of your character.
Job:Your characters occupation. The Jobs
Place you live: the place you lived in, or planet or, anywhere.
Biography:A biography of your character.
Side: Are you Bad or Good.
Your ranking: you will start out as a beginner, and as your Power Level rises, your rankings move up.
1-50,000- beginner.
50,000-100,000 Rookie
100,000-150,000 Warrior
150,000-200,000 Champion
200,000-250,000 All Star
250,000-300,000....ect. Ultimate
This also goes for the digimon they can digivolve everytime they meet a new rank.
Status:The amount of wins and loses your character has.(should be none) should look like this 0/0/0
Stats:Your stats. Divide 200 points among strength,speed,stamina,and intelligence. This does not include species bonuses. You add those on after your primary stats.
HP:Your hit points. 1,000 is given to a beginner.
Moves:Your 5 moves determined by how Digivolved your Digimon is or how powerful and smart your Character is.
Money:The amount of money you have. $5,000 is given.
Items:Your items. Clothes,pants and boots, digivices goto the digimon trainers, and (NOTE THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE OF EACH DIGIMON CHARCTER! so if there is already a mimi you can't be mimi, you can make up your own character up and I can draw it how you want just email me and I'll see with I can do ^_~.)