One Hundred Fifty+ (150+) Things to Do
In and Around Anchorage (Continued)

[Click here for abbreviated list]

(Items listed alphabetically, with second number referring to order on the original list)


Day Trips From Anchorage

  1. (5.) Cruise the ALASKA MARINE HIGHWAY.
  3. (7.)Watch GLACIERS calving while relaxing on a CATAMARAN.
  4. (12.)Run the Mt. MARATHON CLIMB in Seward.
  5. (15.)Flight-see Mt. McKINLEY in a vintage aircraft.
  6. (8.)Visit the OIL SPILL exhibit.
  7. (10.)Ride the sightseeing boat at PORTAGE GLACIER.
  8. (9.)DIG razor CLAMS.
  9. (2.)Charter a SALT WATER FISHING trip.
  10. (14.)Pick up specimens of SEA COAL at low tide in Homer. (FREE!)
  11. (4.)Visit the SEA LIFE CENTER in Seward.
  12. (13.)Stop, look, and listen to the birds at the Homer SHOREBIRD FESTIVAL.
  13. (11.)Get your feet wet on a TIDAL POOL WALK at low tide.
  14. (6.)Ride TRAIN to Whittier or Seward.
  15. (36.)Watch WHALES from a cruise boat.

Winter Activities
  1. (1.)Aurora viewing - (FREE!)
  2. (2.)Avalanche viewing - (do you really want to be there?)
  3. (3.)Curling on outdoor iced lake -
  4. (4.)Craft authentic native dress costume-
  5. Crystal Gallery of Ice, Town Square - February 27 through March 1, 2001. 279-5650.
  6. (5.)Dog sledding Tozier track and Campbell airstrip-Alaskan Dog Sledding-562-2235,
  7. (6.)Dog sled racing, Mush-A-Dog 688-1391, Birch Trails 688-5713, Plettner 892-6944, Trails-N-Tail 373-1408, Chugach Express 783-2266, Hush Puppy Kennel 566-5767, Alaska Snow Safari 783-7669.
  8. (7.)Dog events-Classic Iditarod, Yukon Quest. Goto OUTDOOR page for details.
  9. (8.)Fire in fireplace
  10. (9.)Flying - Private aircraft - O'Hare Aviation 688-4359 (land), Aerotech 279-6558 (land), Take Flight Alaska 274-9943 (land)
  11. (10.)Fly sea & ski plane - Reuss Arctic Flyers 243-3953 (Sea Plane), Tri-Star Aviation 688-4079 (Land and Ski plane)
  12. (11.)Fly model rockets, aircraft, balloons.
  13. (12.)Fur Rhondi
  14. (13.)Heliskiing Girdwood - 783-4354 (39 miles), Chugach Powder Guides - Valdez 783-3243
  15. (14.)Hot air ballooning
  16. (15.)Hunting, big game
  17. (16.)Ice sculpture - Almost Unlimited - 344-9000.
  18. (17.)Ice climbing-
  19. (18.)Ice fishing-Dress very warmly!
  20. (19.)Ice hockey-Anchorage Aces/Sullivan Arena-245 W. 5th, 900-258-2237.
  21. (20.)Ice sailing-Big Lake-
  22. (21.)Ice skating:Outside-West Chester Lagoon, Indoor-Dimond Center/Ice Chalet 344-1212, Big Rink 245-1880, Ben Boeke 274-5715, Brett Arena 745-9634, Dempsey Anderson 277-7571.
  23. (22.)Moose watching - Kincaid, Kenai Peninsula, and many other places. (FREE!)
  24. (23.)Musk Ox Farm - Palmer 745-4151, University of Alaska Fairbanks
  25. (24.)Skiing cross country & Ski jouring - Kincaid 343-6397, Hillside, Tony Knowles Trail, Nordic Ski Association 248-6667, Far North Centennial Park, Hatcher Pass- Lodge 745-5857
  26. (25.)Skiing down hill-
    • Alyeska 783-2160, 754-1111. 30 minutes from Anchorage, with 1,000 skiable acres, nine chair lifts and 68 runs (10% for beginners, 50% for intermediate skiers)
    • Hilltop 346-1446, Nordic ski jump in town. 346-2169 for ski information. 7 days a week, nightlighting, rental shop. Rental information 346-2382. Ticket office 346-1497, Minutes from downtown.
    • Arctic Valley/Alpenglow 428-1208 for snow hotline. Call 569-4754 for pricing. Telemarking, snowboarding. Open daylight hours on weekends. No trees.
    • Russian Jack Springs - Limited, but free except when rope tow is in operation ($two dollars for tow. Also offers snowboarding lessons.
    • Heli & Snowcat skiing - 907-783-HELI.
  27. (26.)Snow sports equipment rental - Bahne Monoski 344-7270, REI 272-4565.
  28. (27.)Sledding, tobaggoning, tubing - 15th and Otis for kids, Kincaid Park, others.
  29. (28.)Sleigh riding
  30. (29.)Snow boarding - Alyeska 783-2160, Play It Again Sports-278-7529 (new and used equipment).
  31. (30.)Snow Cat Tours 373-3118 (Hatcher PAss-Wasilla).
  32. (31.)Snow carving, castle (like sand castle)
  33. (32.)Snow ice cream (eskimo ice cream)
  34. (33.)Snowmobiling Sail-N-Fun 892-6298 (Big Lake), Buffalo Mackey ATV/SM 688-5825, Rent - 892-6888, Alaska Snow Safari 783-7669, 888-414-7669.
  35. (34.)Snowmobile Classic Iron Dog Race
  36. (35.)Show shoeing-Rent, Gary King Sports, REI (See ice skate rentals, above)
  37. (36.)Theatre presentations -
  38. (37.)Winter Festival/Fur Rendezvous - February 9-18, 2001. Sled dog races, Fur auctions, Car races, Athabascan Fiddling Festival, Miners & Trappers Ball, Melodrama, Snowshe Softball and much more! 907-277-2199.
  39. (38.)Winter hiking-Wear cleats, such as stabilicers.
  40. (39.)Winter photography - especially when temperatures are very low with fog and ice frost forms (hoarfrost)
  41. (40.)Miscellaneous-
    • Build snow angels(FREE!)
    • Build snowmen/people(FREE!)
    • Build an igloo(FREE!)
    • Build snow fort - snowball "fight"(FREE!)
    • Build snow/winter survival shelter - for practice or training. (FREE!)
  42. Winter Special Olympics - March 4-11, 2001. Nearly 3,000 athletes from 80 nations, plus their families, coaches and even dignitaries. 907-277-2477.

Not all activities on the list may be available subject to weather conditions, your own health status and physical condition. You will not see a double rainbow if there is no rain, for example, and if you are physically unable to climb a mountain you will not see the sunset from the peak of Flat Top Mountain. Some activities, such as renting an airplane to fly yourself, or fishing require specific licenses or other credentials.

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THIS PAGE IS STILL IN PROCESS, and will be continually changing as telephone numbers and resources change --- MORE TO COME! UPDATED REGULARLY