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This page is pretty much to show off my baby girl Chelsea.

I got her for my 31st birthday. :) I love her soooooooo much!! I have her completely spoiled to. heee heeeee. I keep telling everyone that she's not near as spoiled as I'd like her to be though. *G* So here are some pictures of her doing her "thing" around the house. LOL

Here is my baby just kicking back on the bed. She really loves to lay up by the pillows.LOL She's on my side of the bed right now, but she prefers "Daddys" side.;)
Here is Chelsea and "Daddy" playing with one of her favorite toys. Unfortunately she is a bit distructful and that toy didn't last very long. :( But I got her another one which she seems to like even better. :)
Sorry it's a little blurry, still getting used to my digital camera, LOL, but here is my baby kicking back outside. She really loves it outside to. I sometimes think she would rather be outside than inside. Until she starts barking to come in. LOL ;)
Here is Chelsea on the bed again. On her "NORMAL" side. LOL I'll tell you, for a medium sized dog, she sure does take up alot of bed space at night. *G*
Here's my baby girl outside again. LOL Same spot, same day, same time as the other one. LOL I can't help it, I LOVE taking pictures of my baby dirl! No, that's no typo, that's what I call her. *G*
Ok, this is probably the cutest one of them all.LOL I call this one, the Ham.*G* She just had to get right up in front of the camera, since she is a sniffaholic and all. LOL But isn't it just the best??????? *G*