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DOE Map Pack

submitted by Ditto

This pack contains 23 maps, 4 which require a special ted.vol file to join the maps servers.

Download and unzip them into your Starsiege Multiplayer Folder.


DOE_Beach_Head          DOE_Cold_Comfort  *

DOE_Colosseum  *          DOE_Contempt

DOE_Dual_Assault          DOE_Earth_Base

DOE_Forbidden_City          DOE_Gimme_Shelter  *

DOE_Halls_of_Valhalla          DOE_Judgement_Day

DOE_Kong_City_Breakdown          DOE_Metropolis

DOE_New          DOE_New_Jack_City

DOE_Oasis          DOE_Party_Time

DOE_Ruins          DOE_Sahara_Showdown

DOE_Sands_of_Time          DOE_Used_Cars  *

DOE_Valley_Forge          DOE_Water_Rights

Those maps requiring special ted.vol files are those marked with the *

Zip containing all maps listed above
