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December 31st 1999.

Oct arrived from her parents place in such a happy mood, her father had insisted in tying a tarp over her boat, and the trip down the freeway ripped the tarp to shreds and the metal on the tarps scratched the crap out of her new boat. She's pretty pissed off, but the suggestion of a QF calms her down lol.

The South Coast puts on its worst weather for the party with lots of rain and wind. Oct, me and another female friend of mine sit down and watch the men attempt the construct a marquee in our backyard, I never knew that 5 men could make such a simple job look so difficult.

5pm, and Oct and I decide we better start drinking, after all, it's only 7 hours until midnight. I make 3 QF's, one for me, one for Oct and one for the insane hubby who has never had one before. Oct and my hubby drink their's straight down, but I couldn't summon the strength to drink it, I'm sure you all remember what happened the last time I drank these. It takes me 15 minutes to drink it, and even longer to convince myself that I could keep it down.

By now, the first party goers are arriving and we set the music to the loudest level we can, and the fun begins.

My hubby NEVER drinks, but he liked the taste of QF's so much that he keeps drinking them through out the night. Oct and I keep him company in the QF drinking, and before we know it, Oct and I are smashed yet again.

We party hard into the night, having a great time and drinking wayyyyyy too much. Finally about 1am, the request for ABBA comes from one of my friends, Oct, Leanne, Angela and I give our impersonation of the group, very loud and off key to the entire party. We sing Dancing Queen, Momma Mia, with the cd as our backing group, then we all sing Ring Ring complete with all the moves. Kinda pathetic that we can all still remember how it goes.

Just after this, I can't wait any longer, I have to know if my computer will still start. Oct and I come inside, fight our way through the endless crowd of kids, and turn it on. OMG, it still works!!!!!!!, but can I connect to the net?????? I better try it out!!!!!!!! We connect, wooohoooooooo, my lifeline has not been cut after all. With a sigh of relief, we go back out to join the party.

Not long after this, Dwayne the gate crasher arrives. He is staying at my neighbours house, and just climbs over the fence and wanders on in. He is drunker than Oct and me, (if that's possible) and ends up asleep on one of the chairs. He provided some amusement for us by falling off his chair a few times.

I finally get the last of the nuts out of my house, we put our kids to bed, and sit down to enjoy the last QF of the night. Somehow, Oct, my hubby and I are still standing.

We go outside and clean the truckload of empty beer bottles, cans, wine bottles and rubbish into a kind of pile, then finally at 3am we crash. Did you notice that the entire night, I did not mention me puking lmao I managed not to get as drunk as I did that night at Oct's a few months ago.


OMG why am I awake????? No one else is awake, and I can't sleep. Only one answer on what to do, I go online. I chat away to a few friends, and finally convince myself that giving up smoking for a New Years resolution was a stupid thing to do. I go out and buy some smokes, come back and play Turkey Shoot on the computer until 9.30am when finally someone else in the house wakes up. Oct and my hubby look like absolute shit, they tell me I look just as bad, and I'm not surprised because the view from this side of my eyes isn't that crash hot. Oct and I pack the kids up, and set off for 3 days camping.

We arrive at Sussex Inlet and the yard of Oct's uncle where we are meant to be camping is 2 inches under water, the first night we all sleep in the screened enclosure of the back porch. Her uncles house has 22 guests staying, so it's a little crowded and all of the guests are members of Oct's family. ( if you think she is weird, you should spend 5 days surrounded by 22 of her family). We blow up the air mattresses to sleep on, make up the beds and attempt to try and get some sleep. It's about 11pm, and I'm exhausted from the night before, so all I want to do is crash for about 10 hours, but Oct has other ideas. She laughs and chats and has all the kids laughing until finally one of her relatives spots a possum on the front verandah, everyone goes out to see the possum and I finally get to go to sleep.


Damn, this air mattress has gotten kind of hard!!!!!!!! Oh shit, there's no air in the damn mattress. That's the last time I tell my hubby to fix something, at least if I had done it myself, I wouldn't be sleeping on the damn floor.

I put the doona under me and my daughter, at least it's a little more comfortable than the floor, while doing this, I manage to wake Oct up, she can't figure out what I'm doing, so I go through the whole story, I swear and curse at my hubby who is asleep in our bed back in Wollongong and probably very comfortable.


Oct's family think it's very normal to get up at 5am to go fishing. Oct and I don't go on this fishing trip, but man, can they make a lot of noise at 5am

We finally get up at 7am, and it's pouring rain and windy. There is a production line happening in the kitchen for breakfast, and after about 2 hours, everyone is fed. We organise ourselves, and drive down to Oct's parents place, we stay there for a while, then go into town to shop for food. The kids go to the ice cream parlour while Oct and I go and get the food. Once again, I refrain from skipping through the aisles and embarrassing Oct as I know now how hard she can hit. We get back to Oct's uncles place, and make the kids unpack everything we had bought while we sit and chat with her family.


It has finally stopped raining, so we can go and put her boat in the water. I manage to get out of helping by falling asleep, and Oct was kind enough not to wake me.


We are on the river and fishing. My son catches his first ever fish, but it's only small and has to be thrown back, 2 minutes later he catches another fish, but this goes back too. My daughter then catches her first fish, and we get to keep this one. I catch 2 and Oct's eldest son catches one. Oct catches 2 as well.


We cook the fish that we just caught for dinner, and Oct actually makes me taste the fish, I refrain from spitting it out, it wasn't that gross. We head to bed about 11pm because Oct is going to get us all up at 6am to go fishing again.

7.45am Monday

Uh oh, we slept in. Damn that's a shame, I was so looking forward to getting up at 6am on my day off. It takes us an hour to organise the kids and ourselves before we set off fishing. I get the job of covering all the kids in sun cream before we go out, and like a stupid idiot, I wiped what was left on my shoulders. We spend 3 hours out in the boat fishing in the hot sun, not really catching anything, but having a good time. We arrive back at Oct's uncle's place, and Oct's cousin informs me that I have a hand print on each arm where I had wiped the sun cream a few hours before, with the rest of me sunburned, the hand prints really stood out. Oh well, I knew I would do something stupid, I just didn't think it would take this long to do. We take the kids up the river to the beach and have a swim in the freezing cold water, I convinced Oct it really wasn't that cold once you were in, and the fool believed me hehehehehe. We go back to the shops because all the kids have eaten just about everything we had bought. Oct and I get in trouble from the checkout chick for arguing about who was going to pay. She suggests we just pay half each, and we tell her we would rather argue about it than do something as simple as split the costs.

We go back to Oct's uncles place and everyone is sitting around relaxing and chatting. One of the kids hands me a water pistol, and I can't resist the urge, I just have to squirt Oct with the water, but as usual my timing is bad, she has a litre bottle full of water in her hand as I squirt her. She flicks the bottle at me and manages to drown me from head to waist. I think that's a bit harsh considering the one little squirt I hit her with was only tiny. My son kindly hands me his super soaker, and the water fight begins. I drown all of the kids, then turn on Oct, she still has a bottle of water, but I'm better prepared this time. As I was already wet, I didn't care, but she was dry, and that hardly seemed fair. By the time I emptied the super soaker, she was as drowned as me. Nothing quite like a bit of juvenile fun. lol We go out fishing again in the afternoon, and spend the night sitting around chatting.

5.45am Tuesday

OMFG what is wrong with this woman, it's not even 6am and she is waking me to go fishing???????? Since I know it's pointless protesting, we get organised and go out in the boat. We only catch 3 fish, and 2 have to be thrown back.. After about 2 hours we head back in because the kids are hungry and want breakfast.

We sit around and chat, not really functioning in any manner, and watch the weather change from thunderstorms to hot and sunny to thunderstorms to hot and sunny ( I'm sure you get the idea). We fish again in the afternoon, feed the kids and get rid of them by 10pm. Oct and I sit outside chatting and watching and feeding the kangaroos, and finally crash about midnight.

4pm Friday 7th January

Oct arrives at my place on her way home to Queensland. Hey, it's Friday night, that can only mean ONE thing, alcohol and chat. We drink, we get drunk, and we make fools out of ourselves, just another normal Friday night.

5am Saturday morning

My alarm wakes me up, as I reach over to turn it off, my hubby asks who is singing in the room. That's it, no more alcohol for him, does he really think I would be singing at 5am, what kind of a nut is he????? I wake Oct, make the cuppas, and 30 minutes later, she is on her way home. I think she will make it home today, and will be in chat 5 minutes after she walks in the door lol

When I go back up to Queensland in March, I'm sure we will get into more mischief than we did while she was here, after all, I'm sure you all remember what happened last time I was there.