Catman homepage!!
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Well, boredem rules all! I mean i wouldn't dot this site, (right know i'd prefer to do the work i didn't do becuase, uh , well THERE DUE TODAY! i'm screwed! Oh well.) Oh well i need to get to work, enjoy.

Ok Some of the sites on the main page & links page

If YAH! wondering what a furry is its (this is VERY!!! hard to explain) there like either half humans half animal or all animal who can talk or just do what we can, like anything we can do they can. Ok here's something that’s a little easier to comprehend Know have you seen the Disney carton movie "Robin Hood"? Well all the characters are animals, there animals that walk, talk & move so there furries!

My online.. What story.. OH YEAH I remember now, it's toast. It won't become at all. I've lost interest in the story (well not totally) & I’ve hadn't the time since my job hit summer. so SORRY!

also email me & tell me about any broken links ok

Html, intermediate, what else can I say I pretty much suck when it comes to anything else!

This link will take you to my links page.

important!!!! this site is still changing, hey i always say "one can only do, after one has tried & succeeded in doing something" so don't be too fast to post judgment

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