Main Pages Today's Word You are welcome to use the writings on these pages or pass them on to others who might find a touch from God in the words. Our purpose is always to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world. Please remember to give credit to the Author who has given you everything, and keep in remembrance the vessel which He used to bring these words to you. We pray that this site may be a blessing to you and anyone with whom its been shared. All rights reserved. Peggy Hoppes Christian Bible Study Pages Proverbs 31, Archives
Travel Pages Salisbury PlainClimb a Hill, Look at a Rock Day
Our Lord is so good, He grants us many blessings. We can see Him in the daily course of events, in our homes, our jobs, our lives. I pray that these words help you to grow in your faith and recognize His hand in even the most mundane circumstances. The picture to the right is of a Celtic Chapel located in Cornwall England. This building is approximately 1700 years old, and contains a holy well known for its healing powers. (Click for enlarged) “Then little children were brought to him that he should lay his hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, ‘Allow the little children, and don’t forbid them to come to me; for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to ones like these.’” Matthew 19:13-14, WEB This week was the week of the children at our church. We had a special service on Sunday in which the children presented the Christmas story in several acts; their witness was accompanied by music from our choirs, praise band, and other talented musicians. The children from our school put on a program Wednesday night, sharing the Good News of Jesus with family and friends. Everyone did a wonderful job, we left both programs uplifted and rejoicing. It is no surprise that Jesus encouraged us to look to the children for signs of His grace. They have a way of sharing the message so that we’ll hear and believe with the sweet innocence of childhood, just like them. For, as Jesus says, the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to ones like them. On December 20, 1747, a pastor named John de Watteville held a special service on Christmas Eve at his Moravian Church in Germany. Each of the children was given a “Christingle” or “Christ-light.” The service was designed to teach the children the true meaning of Christmas, the love of God, so that they would go out and share that love with the world. The children were encouraged to place their Christingle in the window of their house, to shine the light of Christ to all who pass by. The materials of each Christingle represented different aspects of God's love. The base was an orange, round like the world representing God’s love in creation. Four sticks poked into the orange represented God’s love in the four seasons of the year. Each stick held fruits and sweets, representing God’s love in providing the fruits of the earth. Wrapped around the orange was a red ribbon, representing God’s love in the death and resurrection of Jesus. A lighted candle represented God’s love in sending Jesus, the Light of the World, to be with us always. Churches around England still hold Christingle Services, to honor the children and share the love of Christ with them. The churches use the service to support the Children’s Society, an organization that helps children and young people around England and Wales. The children of our church and school are so very blessed to be part of a community that loves and encourages them, but this isn’t true for all children around the world. This Christmastime, as you enjoy special family time, remember that there are children that will not have a happy Christmas for a variety of reasons. We might not have Christingle services in churches in the U.S. but there are plenty of opportunities to share resources with children whose families are struggling. Take time, not only to pray for these children, but also to give of yourself so that they might know they are loved. Give as you are able: time, food, clothes, or toys. Most of all share the love and light of Christ, so that they might come to inherit the kingdom of heaven. If you would like to contact me, please use the following address, replacing the bracketed words with the symbol. Thank you for your continued interest, prayers and messages of encouragement. A WORD FOR TODAY is available daily through a mailing list. Visit the link below and you will receive the WORD in your box Monday through Friday. “Consider, you senseless among the people; you fools, when will you be wise? He who implanted the ear, won’t he hear? He who formed the eye, won’t he see? He who disciplines the nations, won’t he punish? He who teaches man knows. Yahweh knows the thoughts of man, that they are futile.” Psalm 94:8-11, WEB Have you ever felt as if you are not heard? Have you ever been in a conversation, in the middle of saying something, when someone jumps in and interrupts? They have something to say and just can’t wait until you finish putting in their two cents worth. It is hard to get back into the conversation, partly because you stop trying because you feel you aren’t heard. You feel that no one thinks you have something worth hearing. Many people are quick to speak and very slow to listen. I’ve noticed that there are people who are so busy thinking about what they want to say that they do not even realize that someone else is talking. They don’t hear others. I’ve recently heard the maxim that God gave us two ears to hear and one mouth to talk so that we’ll spend twice as much time listening as talking. We aren’t very good at living that truth, are we? Unfortunately, this happens with our conversations with God. We are quick to talk and very slow to listen, even to the God who created us. Yet, when we feel like we aren’t being heard by God, we even stop talking. We stop praying when we think that He isn’t hearing us. We wonder why He isn’t answering our prayers. Of course, all too often HE has answered, but we don’t like what He has said. We want Him to meet our needs as we see fit, and we aren’t willing to hear what He is saying about the situation. I know too many people who are lamenting the outcome of our recent election. This isn’t to say that God wanted one person over another in any of our contests, but we are to trust that God has a plan that He is accomplishing despite our opinions and wishes. We want to be heard and when things don’t come out the way we want, we don’t think God is listening. This causes some people to stop praying. Why bother when God isn’t answering to our satisfaction? But the Psalmist calls us fools for thinking that way! God created the ears, how can we ever think that He doesn’t hear? He knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows what our need better than we do. He wants to hear our prayers, but He also wants us to listen to what He is saying. At those moments when we really don’t think that we are heard, God reminds us that He does hear us. He is listening. He has the right answer, and He calls us to trust that He is doing something spectacular in our lives. It might not seem like it. It is hard to feel blessed when our lives are not going the way we hope. But when we listen to Him, we realize that He has something even better waiting for us. We might have to struggle for a time, but God has heard our cries. We might face difficulty, but God will use it for His good in our lives. He knows what we don’t know. Let us listen to Him and trust that He is working in the world in ways that will redeem and reconcile those who hear and believe. The following links provide some specially chosen scripture that tell the stories of the Birth and Passion of our Lord as Saviour Jesus Christ, as well as a fictional perspective of the Crucifixion. Spend time in God's Word, read about His life and learn of the wonderful gifts He has for you. Know Jesus Christ and honour Him today. Thanks be to God. The Story of our Saviour's Passion The Crucifixion, a fictional perspective When researching, I use several versions of the bible, including the New International Version and English Standard Version. Due to copyright restrictions, I have not included quotes for the scriptures on some of the archives, but highly encourage you to open your own bibles to read the scripture passages for yourselves. Where scripture is quoted, it is usually the American Standard Version or World English Bible which belong to the public domain. Any other versions used in quotes are identified. The devotion posted on Wednesday is based on the Lectionary texts used by millions of Christians each Sunday. The Lectionary consists of four texts: an Old Testament passage, a Psalm, a passage from one of the Epistles and a Gospel text and follows the church calendar. Archives for these writings are found at Midweek Oasis.
You are welcome to use these words to share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus. Please remember to give credit to the Author who has given you these gifts, and keep in remembrance the vessel which He used to bring them to you. We pray that this site may be a blessing to you and anyone with whom you've shared it. Peggy Hoppes |