3 5 8 1000000
2. Which movie needs a PURPLE ALLIGATOR?
Story of Us Summertime in the Void Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory Pokemon The 1st Movie
3. Which member is the fave of Anne?
Jag Christian Brian Bruce
4. What is the name of our site?
The Crazy Sisters The Wonderful & Wicked World of I Mother Earth The Wonderful & Wicked World of Backstreet Boys The Wicked & Wonderful World of IME
5. How many peanut butter cups are in a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup pack (big)?
I don't care 1 2 3
6. What are our names?
Big Mamma & Chickadee Jag & Christian Anne & Mary All of the above
7. Who are the brothers in IME
Bruce & Brian Christian & Bruce Jag & Christian Brian & Garfield the Cat
8. Who is the object of Big Mamma's program?
Me Garfield the Cat Brian Big Mamma
I don't know What's a mammal? No, I am writing with my forked tongue, sssssss.... Yes
10. Is Anne weird? (she made up most of the questions)
Yes, yes, GLORIOUS YES! Not really What does this have to do with IME? Just pick the first one