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CATS Performer Updates

You can find information on what your favorite performers are up to here. If you have any current information on any performer who was or is in CATS please email it to me. This page will be continuously updated.

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A new CATS tour is being planned to begin in Spring 2001. Dates and places have not been announced, however, it is scheduled to begin in San Bernadino.

Christopher Gattelli (current Broadway Pouncival) will be leaving CATS to perform in Fosse. His last performance at the Winter Garden Theater will be January 16. Jon-Erik Goldberg (U.S. tour Pouncival) will perform the role of Pouncival. His first performance will be on January 17.

Patrick Mullaney (current Broadway Tumblebrutus) will be taking two months off from CATS to do another show beginning January 16. Mark Moreau (U.S. tour Dance Captain/Standby) will be filling in as Tumblebrutus until Patrick returns.

For the past few months, Geoffrey Garrat (video Skimbleshanks) has been working as coreographer for the Dutch production of Oliver!. (Thanks goes to Foxy for this info!).

Julius Sermonia (U.S. tour Mistoffelees) is now performing as Mistoffelees in the Broadway production.

Amay Hamel (U.S. tour Standby) is temporarily performing as Bombalurina on Broadway while Marlene Daniel takes some time off due to an injury.

Micheal Gruber's (video Munkustrap) new Broadway musical Swing! opened today.