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The Island of the Jellicles

Part one




Rumpelteazer was sunning herself on her favorite rock near one end of the tiny beach. She was enjoying a respite from following Mungojerrie around and getting into mischief. She loved him and all but every now and then they both needed a break from each other.

From the other end of the beach, she heard a strange noise. She quickly looked over and saw three strange creatures getting out of a tiny boat. She dove behind the rock before they saw her and peaked around the corner. All three appeared to be male. They were tall and looked like Jellicles, except they had no tails and no fur and their ears were on the side of their heads instead of on top. They walked upright just as she did. She watched as they tied their boat to a large tree limb.

When all three had their backs turned away from her, Rumpelteazer dashed into the woods on her way to tell the rest of the Jellicles what she had seen.


Chris saw something out of the corner of his eye and quickly glanced in that direction. He wasn’t quite sure what he had seen, but it looked like a large cat of some sort run into the forest. We must have scared it, he thought. Steve and Jason continued taking things out of the boat.

"Are you going to help, or are you just going to stand there?" Jason asked, glaring at Chris.

"Sorry, I thought I saw something," Chris said. "Let’s get camp set up."

The three men were scientists, exploring different islands in the Pacific Ocean hoping to discover something that nobody had ever seen before, although they didn’t quite know what yet. So far the trip had been unsuccessful. They were really adventure seekers trying to make a name for themselves. They started to set up their campsite at the edge of the woods.

Rumpelteazer ran as fast as she could back to the Jellicle Junkyard. She ran past the stream where Etcetera, Electra and Sillabub were trying to catch some fish.

"Hey Teazer, wanna play?" Etcetera called. Rumpelteazer ignored her.

"What’s the matter with her?" Electra asked. Etcy just shrugged.

Rumpelteazer ran through the Junkyard and up to Munkustrap, a tall gray and black striped tabby. "I have to see Old Deuteronomy!" Teazer said excitedly and out of breath.

"He’s busy right now." Munkustrap told her, "is there something I can help you with." He was wary of what Teazer wanted because she and Mungojerrie were always up to something.

"I don’t think so," she replied. "This concerns all of us so Deuteronomy needs to be told."

By this time, several of the other cats had gathered around. They knew something was up when Rumpelteazer didn’t have a smile on her face.

"What’s going on?" Alonzo, a white and black cat, asked.

"I’m not sure," Munkustrap said. "Come on, Teazer, I’ll take you to him."

Old Deuteronomy was busy settling a dispute between the twins, Coricopat and Tantomile. Munkustrap entered his domain with Rumpelteazer close behind him.

"Teazer has something important to tell you." Munkustrap said.

"Alright Rumpelteazer, what is it you have to tell me?" Old Deuteronomy asked her.

She proceeded to tell him what she had seen. "I am not making this up, I swear," she finished.

"Go get Mistoffelees." Deuteronomy ordered Munkustrap. "You didn’t see this coming?" he asked the twins, who have been known to see into the future.

"No," said Coricopat shaking his head. He looked at his sister. "I didn’t sense anything either," said Tantomile. "It might have been because we were not getting along with each other for the past couple of days."

Munkustrap came back with Mistoffelees, the wizard cat. He immediately began talking. "I had a dream last night. I hadn’t had a chance to tell you yet because you have been so busy today. Three creatures landed on our island. I sense danger in them. I don’t know what their purpose here is though."

Old Deuteronomy slowly got up. "We must make an announcement. Gather all of the Jellicles.


End of part one.