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The alley was completely silent. Except for an occasional car, no sounds were heard. Suddenly, a small black cat with a white chest and face crawled slowly into the alley. Then, standing up, he looked around. Sighing heavily, he noticed a white cat creeping towards him. He smiled when she reached him.

"Why hello, Victoria. Look. It’s time again." He said to her.

"Yes. But where is Munkustrap? He is usually the first one here."

"I’ll tell you when we are all here. But for now, be patient. I have quite a story."

"Oh, really?" came a voice from the shadows. Looking into the darkness, they noticed another cat. It was Rum Tum Tugger.

"The great Mistoffelees has a story?" he continued, walking out. "Oh, I can’t wait."

"Yeah, I missed you to, Tugger." The black and white cat said to him. "How have you been?"

"Oh, it was a normal year. Nothing really happened."

"Where is Munkustrap?" two voices said together. More cats were arriving.

"I’ll tell you all. Soon enough." He sighed again. "Soon enough."

Cats started coming from all directions, all asking the same questions. Where is Munkustrap? Mistoffelees must know. And they were right, for he indeed knew what had happened to the protector over the year. He knew, but he wasn’t happy.

"Ok. I will tell you what happened to Munkustrap. I will show you."

Mistoffelees waved one hand over the other. A small ball appeared in his hand. All the cats peered into the ball.

A little movie started playing on the ball. It showed a grey tabby cat crawling through the street. It was Munkustrap. Suddenly, another cat, one with red-stripes, jumped from the balcony of an apartment and landed on Munkustrap’s back. It was Macavity, the demon!

"Hhhhiiiissss!" a long wail came up from the two fighting cats. Suddenly a loud meow was heard, and Macavity stood up, triumphantly. Munkustrap lay on the street. He looked dead. Suddenly a flash of white on black! A black and white cat had sprung from a corner, and was now fighting Macavity! The cats gasped. The new cat was Mistoffelees!

They fought for a moment before the black and white kitten was thrown onto the ground next to Munkustrap. As Macavity stood over them, laughing in victory, Mistoffelees got his magic to work. Putting one hand on Munkustrap, he waved the other over his head, and they both vanished!

Across the town, Mistoffelees stood over Munkustrap, as he tried to stand up. Failing, he looked at Mistoffelees.

"Mistoffelees, you must be the protector. Guard all the cats smaller than you, and never let them think you are afraid. I know you are still a kitten, but try your hardest. You have magic to help you."


The movie ended. All the cats were close to tears by then, seeing their guardian die. Mistoffelees closed his hand, and the ball disappeared.

"I must avenge Munkustrap!" He said, angrily. "I will, if it’s the last thing I do!"

"But how?" his older brother, Alonzo said. "You are too little. Let a grown cat do it for you. If you go against Macavity, he will surely kill you."

"Alonzo, I know I could. But they weren’t there. They didn’t watch that demon kill him. I was there. And I must do it."

"Mistoffelees, no!" the white cat cried. "You’ll get yourself killed!"

"Maybe. But maybe I can beat him. Maybe I can…"

He didn’t get to finish the thought, because right then a horrible laughter filled the alley.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Macavity!" a cat named Demeter yelled. All the cats scattered, all except for Mistoffelees and Alonzo, who stayed in the alley.

"Leave, Mistoffelees." Alonzo demanded. "You’re too young to fight him."

"No, I must stay. Munkustrap told me to guard the kittens. I must do my job."

"Alright. I’ll leave." Mistoffelees’ black and white brother started to leave the alley. But, before he could get anywhere, a black cat jumped in his way. One of Macavity’s henchmen! Throwing a heavy net over Alonzo, the black and white cat fell to the ground.

"Mistoffelees!" he yelled.

"Alonzo!" he started to run to his brother. But another black cat jumped in his way, throwing a net over his head. But before he could carry him away, Mistoffelees used his powers to free himself. Seeing his brother being carried away, he screamed,

"No! Macavity! Leave my brother alone! He doesn’t have the powers! Only I do! Leave him alone!" But he was too late. Macavity had kidnapped Alonzo.

Chapter Two


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