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Mistoffelees crouched in a corner, head in hands, thinking. The other cats stood out in the alley, kittens crying, mothers trying to comfort them. Victoria the white cat walked up to him.

"What’s wrong?"

"I fear that…" he stuttered. "That I am not doing my job well."


"I don’t know the story, I let Macavity capture my brother, and Old Deuteronomy hasn’t appeared yet. He’s usually here by now."

"How many of the Jellicle Balls have you been to?"

"Counting this one?"


"Three." He laughed. "I was to young to know what was going on the first time, the second one, I actually got my magic to work right, and this is the third. I know I’m not a kitten anymore, but I’m not old enough to be a cat. I guess I’m just in that middle-stage. I still don’t have a strong hold on these powers."

"I think you’re a great improvement from last year. Besides, the way you work your magic isn’t what they think about. Everyone’s counting on you. You have to find Macavity for two reasons now; one, to find your brother. Two, to avenge Munkustrap."

"I know. But how…" he interrupted himself. "Who’s that?"


"That." He pointed over to the alley. A ragged cat had emerged from the shadows. The other cats hadn’t seen her yet, but Mistoffelees spotted her. Jumping to his feet, he pulled Victoria behind him as he walked cautiously towards the new cat. The cat saw him. Walking out of the shadows, she started towards him. Pushing Victoria behind him, he stepped back. The other cats had seen her now. They were watching Mistoffelees as he guarded Victoria from the new cat.

"Who are you?" he asked her.

"Last year," she responded. "My mother came to this very alley, on this very day, and never returned. I know this is the Jellicle ball, and I know you are celebrating something, though I don’t know what. But I have come, because I know one of you is responsible for her. So I, Luliha, daughter of the glamour cat, Grizabella, have come to seek revenge!"

Cries of astonishment went up around the alley. Grizabella, the glamour cat! She was the one whom Old Deuteronomy had chosen to be reborn at the last ball!

"The glamour cat has been sent to the Heaviside Layer to be reborn." Mistoffelees told her.

"Wait a minute. I’ve seen you before." She looked hard at Mistoffelees. "You are the conjurer, Mistoffelees!" her eyes narrowed. "Was it you? Did you cast some spell on her? If you did, I’ll skin you alive!"

"No! Mistoffelees!" the cats cried. They tried to rush up to him, but he wouldn’t let them.

"I did nothing to her!" he answered. "I have not the power to command the Layer. Only our leader can."

"Well take me to him. Let me confront the Jellicle leader!"

"He isn’t here, though he is coming. You may stay until he gets here."

"No. I will come back." She turned and started to walk away but stopped. "But hear me out!" she yelled to him. "If my mother does not come back, I will make your end personal. Very personal."

* * *

"Tell us a story!" some kittens called up to Mistoffelees, who was sitting up on the hood of a car.

"Ok." He said back, trying to smile. Sliding off of the car, he said,

"I know of a couple stories." Thinking a moment, his eyes brightened and he smiled at them.

"Ah, yes, the story of Mendocino, the ginger cat. You should like this one. This story has been a secret between my brother Alonzo and I for years, but I don’t think he’ll be too upset if I tell it.

"Mendocino has lived for nearly as long as Old Deuteronomy. He was a daring kitten, he didn’t want to grow up. He had the same powers that I have, and he used them in terrible ways. He would capture young kittens and hold them in cages, just for a laugh. He got to be worse than Mungojerrie and Rumpelteaser. But nobody knows him by the name ‘Mendocino’. He is known by another name. A name will chill your blood.

"Mendocino is my father. That is how I got the powers. His new name… Macavity!"

"Macavity!" the cats cried. "No! Mistoffelees can’t be the son of Macavity!"

"It is true!" he told them, tears coming to his eyes. "I should have told you earlier. But I am not the son of Macavity. I am the son of Mendocino, before he became the demon."

Suddenly a cat named Pouncival ran up to Mistoffelees and whispered something in his ear. Mistoffelees’ eyes got wide, and he whispered,

"Old Deuteronomy." He looked up and smiled, his eyes sparkling mischievously. The cats looked over at what he was looking at.

An old cat was slowly walking into the alley. It was Old Deuteronomy! The Jellicle leader! Surely he would know what to do!

"Hello!" he cried as the other cats ran up to him. Looking up at Mistoffelees, he was confused, but didn’t show it. Pulling away from the other cats, Old Deuteronomy walked up to the conjurer.

"Where is Munkustrap?" he asked him.

"Munkustrap was killed by Macavity. By my father."

"You must avenge him!" he ordered. "Do you know what this means?"

"I have to kill my father. There’s another thing. Macavity has been here tonight. He took Alonzo, my brother. I must find him."


"And one more thing."


"Her." Mistoffelees pointed behind Old Deuteronomy. He turned to see Luliha coming out of the shadows.

"Are you the Jellicle leader? Old Deuteronomy?" she asked. "This conjurer told me to speak with you."

"I am Old Deuteronomy. What is it you want?"

"I am Luliha, daughter of Grizabella, the glamour cat. Last year she came here, and never came back. Now I must know: what happened to her?"

"You mother was chosen last year to be reborn. She was sent to the Heaviside Layer. She was chosen because I felt she needed and wanted it most."

"I was taught by her not to trust any of you preppy Jellicles. How do I know you are telling the truth?"

"I can show you!" Mistoffelees offered.

"I don’t need any of your magic to know the truth." She said, turning on him. "My mother would never do anything like that." Walking up close to Mistoffelees’ face, she said in a voice of ice,

"You did cast a spell on her. I can sense it. You little liar!" with that, she pushed him hard. Falling on the ground, Mistoffelees waved one hand at her. She froze in her position.

"Stop!" he commanded. "You are becoming irrational!"

"Let me go!" she demanded angrily.

"I will take back the spell." He reassured her, still lying on the ground. "But you must leave."

"Fine!" she yelled. He waved his hand again and she fell to the ground. Crawling away at a startling rate, she turned at a safe distance away.

"You magical feen! You’re no better than Macavity! I’ll come back for you." She ran off, leaving him lying on the ground.

Chapter One

Chapter Three


Table of Contents