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It was the story after the fighting between Munkustrap and Macavity at the Jellicle Ball.


After Grizabella being sent to Heaviside Layer, Demeter came to Munkustrap and said a little shyly "Thank you for rescuing me from Macavity, I was so scared when he drew me away."

Munkustrap smiled. "Not only my merit, Alonzo helped you, too. Plus I am the protector of Jellicles, it's just my responsibility."

Demeter had loved Munkustrap for a long time, although she didn't express at all. She was so glad that Munkustrap fought for her, just for her, but when she heard his deed was for the responsibility's sake, she was disappointed.

"Alright, I will say ‘thank you’ to Alonzo, too." Demeter spoke softly then Munkustrap walked away.

Bombalurina saw Demeter looking sadly after talking to Munkustrap; she was her best friend, so she ran to her. "What's wrong with you? Did Munkustrap say anything to you?"

"No, no, he didn’t say anything to me." Demeter muttered to herself. "As he never cared anything about me."


"Nothing!" Demeter didn’t want to talk about this topic anymore, so she said to Bombalurina. "The Rum Tum Tugger dropped you down as he sang his song, that was terrible, I nearly couldn’t believe that, I thought he liked you."

Bombalurina rolled her eyes angrily. "No! That little freak thought he was so handsome, and everybody should love him, he never appreciated anyone's love. Never! You also know how Etcetera likes him, but do you think him ever appreciate that? Etcetera is young, maybe she doesn't care, but I am not, I can't bear that conceited freak!"

"So you don't want him anymore?" Demeter giggled. "Or when he comes to you, you will be softened again?"

"No, I won't, you will see, this time he had gone too far, he will see me flirt with him no more, and he shall regret with his deed."

"I am looking forward to seeing the Rum Tum Tugger feel regret." Demeter said with a tune of unbelieving.


Cassandra, a red cat, was very attractive, many toms liked her, but she loved the conjuring cat Mistoffelees. So she was willing to help him find out Old Deuteronomy when Macavity captured him. But she was very proud of herself; she wouldn't tell Mistoffelees her feeling until he told her first. Although there were so many rumors about that Mistoffelees wanted Victoria, a pure white cat to be his mate, but Cassandra ignored these rumors, she trusted her intuition, she knew Mistoffelees loved her too, just because he was too shy to speak it out. Actually, Mistoffelees didn’t have any feeling to any female cats, he was surrendered himself to investigate his magical power.

And Victoria, she liked Plato who is a young tom, he also liked her. They had been together for some time, although they kept it as secret because Victoria didn’t want others to know that, Plato had many times of quarrel with her according to this. Tonight, the two had danced together at the Jellicle Ball, everyone saw them dancing, and Plato was glad as he thought after that their secret finally could burst out.

So after the celebration, Plato came to Victoria and asked. "Can you at last let me tell everybody our secret?" He held her hands.

Victoria drew back her hands. "No, Plato, I am afraid that I can't let you do this."

"Why? You have been keeping this secret for so long just because everyone thinks you will be Mistoffelees’ mate, and you don’t want to hurt him. But didn't you see when he saw we dancing; he seemed to not care. Victoria, you are so kind I know, but you must be fair with me."

Victoria touched Plato’s cheeks. "Sorry, Plato, I also wish these rumors were false, but I was Mistoffelees’ best friend once, and I don't want to see him being sad. Plus, my mother doesn't like you, she even blamed me for dancing with you tonight." Her mother was Jellylorum.

I know Jellylorum doesn't like me, she thinks I am a playboy as the Rum Tum Tugger."

"I know you are not." Victoria smiled at him.

"Victoria, despite your mother's feeling, despite the stupid Mistoffelees, will you let me tell them our secret? I don’t want to hide it anymore, it’s not a crime."

"Yes! I will."

"Ok! I will work hard to please your mother showing her that I am not that bad as she thinks, and I will detect whether the rumors are true or not. But Victoria, I must tell you, even if Mistoffelees really wants you to be his mate, I will never let him take you."

Victoria hugged him. "Oh, Plato, you are my knight."

"Can I kiss you?" He asked.

"Whenever you want!" And then, they kissed.


There were some kittens gathering in the Junkyard, talking and laughing.

"This year's Jellicle Ball was very nice, wasn't it?" Jemima said.

"Yeah! I agree with you, although Macavity still disturbed us." Electra said.

Etcetera yelled, "Oh! I was so scared when he came, and Munkustrap was so brave to fight with him."

"Your Rum Tum Tugger didn’t show any sight during the fighting," Exotica said sarcastically, she didn’t like Rum Tum Tugger.

"He is not mine!" Etcetera yelled shyly. "Although I wish he was."

"Tugger didn't like fighting," Jemima defended for him.

"Why don't you say he is a coward?" Exotica yelled.

"Oh, it's too bad to say that, Exotica," Electra said.

Jemima and Etcetera were cross with what Exotica said because they liked Tugger very much, so both of them walked away, and Electra stayed with Exotica.

"Why did she hate Tugger?" Jemima asked when they moved toward Rum Tum Tugger's nest.

"I don't know, she is very weird, maybe she is the only one who doesn't like Tugger. I don't know the reason, Tugger is so nice," Etcetera said.

"Yes! He is good. Did you see when Tugger dropped Bombalurina down?" Jemima giggled. "I think Bombalurina lost her attraction to Tugger."

"No! Tugger likes to treat girls in this way, gives a little sweet and a little bitter."

"How do you know that?"

"I know because I know." At this moment, they encountered Demeter and Bombalurina.

"Hi! Two young ladies, where are you going?" Bombalurina asked.

"I think they are going to Tugger's nest according to this direction," Demeter giggled.

"Yes! Demeter you are right. Are both of you going there too?" Jemima smiled and said.

"Well," Bombalurina interrupted. "No, I am not going to visit that freak, see you later," she said to them and walked away.

Demeter shook her head slightly. "I’ll go with you, I have time to have a chat."

Jemima and Etcetera laughed at Bombalurina’s deed as they walked toward the place where Tugger lived. The Rum Tum Tugger was talking to a notorious couple of cats --- Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer. Rumpelteazer was pregnant, and Mungojerrie was the father, they were very happy and came to Tugger to share this news. Of course, Tugger was not the first one they came to.

"It's very nice to hear that, congratulations!" Tugger said, and he motioned Mungojerrie to come beside him and he took in a low voice. "Mungojerrie, you are bound to be a father, we can't go outside at night to find some young girls now."

"You freak!" Mungojerrie pushed him away, Tugger was teasing him, and Mungojerrie was very loyal to his wife. They both were laughing.

"What are you talking about?" Rumpelteazer was confused.

"No, just joke, nothing." Tugger smiled.

Hi, Tugger!" Jemima, Etcetera and Demeter had come.

"Oh! What a surprise!" Tugger came to greet them. "Demeter, you’re a rare guest to me." He said with a charming voice.

Demeter smiled. "I just came with the two girls, not for you specially." She noticed Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer, and she came to them.

Tugger stared after her and turned saying confusedly to Jemima. "What’s wrong with her?"

Jemima giggled. "I think it's maybe because of Bombalurina."


"Because you embarrassed her at the Jellicle Ball, and she was very angry with you, like we met her a moment ago, and she didn’t want to come to visit you. Demeter is her best friend, so…"

"So she doesn't want to talk to me." Tugger concluded. "That’s alright, Demeter never show any interest in me anyway, so I don't need to worry about that."

"What about Bombalurina?" Etcetera asked as she rubbed her head against Tugger’s mane.

Tugger pushed her slightly away. "She will be ok, who do you think I am? I am the Rum Tum Tugger, she can’t resist me anyhow." Then he flirted with Jemima and Etcetera, the two girls screamed with excitement.

Demeter watched them with a nasty look, and she turned to say to Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer. "I will never scream at the one I love as the two girls."

Rumpelteazer said softly. "I think love is not screaming at the one you love, Jemima and Etcetera don't love Tugger I think, they just can't resist his charm. When they grow older, they won't scream to Tugger anymore."

"But you never scream to me when we were young." Mungojerrie teased her.

"Because I was mature and smart, plus, you were not as attractive as Tugger." Rumpelteazer joked.

"Oh! It hurts." Mungojerrie put one hand on his heart and acted as wounded. They laughed together; the two always had fun between them. Demeter looked at them; she envied their happiness as she thought of Munkustrap’s unawareness of her love.

Part Two


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