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Submissions to The Jellicle Ball can be in the form of non-fiction, fiction, poetry, art, etc. Keep in mind what holidays occur during each issue. The issues are categorized as Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.

Steps for Submitting:

1) E-Mail Me your writings and art.

2) Include in your e-mail: your name, e-mail, title of your submission, category your submission falls in (subject line), for writings--brief description of storyline, website URL (if applicable), and if there's someting specific you want me to include about you on the contributors page (especially if you do not have a web page).

3) I will contact you within a week or two to let you know I received your submission.

4) As a contributor, you are automatically added to the mailing list. If you do not want to be added, let me know in your e-mail.

1) Please keep stories and pictures PG-13. You can suggest things, but please do not go into graphic detail. I will have a rating system in effect starting with the March 2000 issue. As the editor, I do reserve the right to deny any submission (I don't think I'll have to do that though).

That is pretty much the only rule I have at the moment. If I feel others need to be made, then I will add them here.

I am working on a small graphic that you can post on your website saying you are a contributor to The Jellicle Ball if you like (it is not required).

Remember to have fun!!

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