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     “Mungojerrie, come and take a look at this!” Rumpleteazer excitedly stated. In her hand she held a faded, crumpled piece of paper. The paper had turned yellow with age, and the writing was written in a strange language. The writing was also barely legible. Rumpleteazer impatiently tapped her foot as she waited for her partner to come.

   They were outside the junkyard away from any Jellicle eye. Finally Mungojerrie arrived breathless. “What is it?” he asked.

      “It’s a map, probably a treasure map,” Rumpleteazer happily answered with a smile that never seemed to leave her face.

       “A treasure map? Wow. This could be our key to freedom. We give this to Macavity and he would leave us alone forever,” Mungojerrie answered happily. Rumpleteazer nodded in agreement.

        “We could officially be a part of the Jellicle tribe,” Rumpleteazer stated.

        “Where did you find it?”

        “In an old chest, half buried in the dirt. I found the chest opened. There was mainly a bunch of old junk and ruined books. I barely saw this. It was hold in a book,” Rumpleteazer answered.

      “Let’s go to Macavity. The sooner the better.”

      “Let’s just hope that Macavity likes this. He hasn’t been too fond of us when you attacked him at the last Jellicle Ball.”

       “I think he’ll accept it, anything with money will satisfy that cat,” Mungojerrie commented while the two of them headed for Macavity’s lair.

        Macavity’s lair was located at the further end of the junkyard. Here no Jellicle entered with out being attacked. It was here that Macavity plotted his plans for taking over the Jellicle tribe. It was also where Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer stayed when they weren’t on one of Macavity’s missions.

         “This better be good,” Macavity greeted in a low tone as the two entered. Macavity stretched across a wooden board. His entire body was shrouded in the shadows of the junk above him. His tail twitched showing his dislike of them.

         Mungojerrie gulped. Rumpleteazer pushed her partner forward. “We found something that may be of use,” Mungojerrie stated.

        “And what is this something?” Macavity followed his eyes never leaving Mungojerrie’s.

          “It’s a treasure map.”

          “A treasure map? Let me see this.”

          Hesitantly Rumpleteazer handed the ginger cat the map. Silence followed as Macavity studied the map. “Where did you find this map?”

          “In an old chest. It was in the Jellicle side. The chest was half buried in the dirt,” Rumpleteazer explained.

          “Interesting. Tomorrow we shall go on this ‘treasure hunt’,” Macavity replied with a sly smile.

          “If there is money involved are we free from you services?” Mungojerrie hesitantly asked.

          “I don’t see why not.”

          “Really?” the two of them asked in disbelief. Macavity nodded. Without asking again they quickly left the room.

         “I can’t believe it we’re finally free!” Rumpleteazer happily stated once out of Macavity’s lair.

         “Let’s just hope there’s money involved,” Mungojerrie pointed out.

          Mistoffelees paced across the branch he hard earlier been sleeping on. From the branch he could see the entire junkyard, well the part that belonged to the Jellicle’s. Macavity’s lair was blocked. Something had awakened him from his slumber.

           Clouds had begun to fill the clear sky and a breeze had begun to blow. Something wasn’t right.  Mistoffelees sensed a new presence in the air, a presence shrouded in darkness. “Mistoffelees,” a female voice whispered, “Come to me.”

            “Who are you?” Mistoffelees called with his mind. No answer followed. Silently Mistoffelees sat on the branch as he listened hoping for an answer. Nothing came. The voice was new to him. It held the same presence he had felt earlier.

             Down below Old Deuteronomy stood next to the tree. His expression was filled with concern. Mistoffelees immediately transported next to the Jellicle leader. “There you are. I was hoping you would be here,” Old Deuteronomy said with relief.

            “What’s wrong?” Mistoffelees asked.

            “The Jellicle chest is missing.”

            “The Jellicle chest?” Mistoffelees asked puzzled.

            “It’s a chest passed down from one leader to the next. In it are special books and tools. No one in the tribe knows about this chest. It’s been kept a secret for centuries. Now it’s missing. If it falls into the wrong hands it could bring disaster.”

              “What exactly are these books?”

              “Magic, the history of the Jellicles,” Old Deuteronomy explained, “What disturbs me the most is that the person who made the chest had placed a magic spell on it.”

               “Someone must know the spell.”

               “Only I know it.”

               “This is not good. The only thing we can do is have all the Jellicles spread out and search for the chest. We don’t have to tell them what the chest is, all we need them to do it find the chest,” Mistoffelees suggested with a hint of despair.

                “No, I think everyone should know about the chest. It’s time they do.”

                 By the time the night had finally came all the Jellicles had gathered at the junkyard. Many of the Jellicles expressed concern, for it was unusual to hold a meeting. The only time everyone got together was when it was time for the Jellicle Ball. Rum Tum Tugger showed no concern while he concentrated his attention to Bombulurina and Demeter. Where Rum Tum Tugger was Ecetera was right beside him.

                “What’s the problem?” Munkustrap asked, who was the protector of the tribe.

                 “A chest was stolen from the tribe. The chest has been handed down from one Jellicle leader to the next. In this chest are some important artifacts. It contains the history of the tribe and some powerful books of magic. If this chest should fall into the wrong hands it could bring the end of the Jellicles,” Old Deuteronomy explained. Everyone began to talk at once.

                Sitting on top of an old car Rumpleteazer and Mungojerrie looked at each other. “Did he say a chest?” Rumpleteazer softly asked. Her face was filled with fear. Mungojerrie nodded in reply. His expression matched hers.

                “I knew our freedom came to easy. Macavity knew what it was the entire time,” Mungojerrie angrily stated, “We have to stop him.”

                 “Maybe we should tell Old Deuteronomy. I know where the chest was,” Rumpleteazer stated.

                 “No, we’ll never be accepted into the tribe if we tell. We have to do it ourselves.” While everyone was talking Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer quietly slipper out of the junkyard.

                 “Everyone, quiet down!” Munkustrap ordered, “We still have a chance at retrieving this chest. Mistoffelees suggested that all of spread out through the junkyard and search for it. Hopefully no one has found it.”

                  “Let’s all split into pairs. If you do find it, one can stay while the other can get the rest,” Mistoffelees stated.

                   “Right, let’s go,” the tribe stated.

                   “I had my doubts about this. Now I know that my tribe is loyal,” Old Deuteronomy stated.

                   Quietly Rumpleteazer and Mungojerrie slipped into Macavity’s lair. By this time Macavity was asleep and both of them knew that it would be a dangerous task of retrieving the map. “I don’t know about this,” Rumpleteazer whispered, “I have a bad feeling about this.”

                    “We can’t go back now, it’s too late. Besides we’ve done worse things then this,” Mungojerrie whispered back.

                     “Well, isn’t it the troublesome twosome,” Brutus greeted with a pipe in his hand. “Macavity figured you would come back for the map, so he had me stand guard.”

                     “Loyal, Brutus. Do you think Macavity will do anything for you? How many times have you stood by his side and when you needed his helped he left you behind?” Mungojerrie replied. “Go get the map,” he whispered to Rumpleteazer.

                      “Mind games won’t work with me. My duty is to serve and protect Macavity and that I shall do with pride. The two of you are traitors. Under the law both of you will be exterminated!”   

                      As Brutus came charging toward him, Mungojerrie dodged the cat. Meanwhile, Rumpleteazer quietly slipped into Macavity’s room. There the ginger cat was a sleep and on his table under some jewelry was the map. Rumpleteazer knew him well enough that the map wouldn’t be too easy to get. Macavity had always something else planned.

                     “I’ve been waiting for you,” Macavity stated. Rumpleteazer stifled a scream. Macavity was stretched across the floor watching her. “I knew you would find out sooner or later. Traitor! I raised the both of you and in an instant you followed Old Deuteronomy. What is he going to think of you now when he finds out that you took the map? You’ll never be part of the tribe then.”

                    “Old Deuteronomy’s not like that. Unlike you he give’s us another chance. He’ll understand,” Rumpleteazer angrily replied.

                    “The two of you are rogues, thieves. He wouldn’t want you in his perfect tribe. I took both of you in and gave you a home. I taught you how to live in the streets. Is this what you do to your caregiver?

                      I’ve had a change in heart. I’ll give you both another chance. Forget about Old Deuteronomy and stay with me. Together we’ll over throw him and take over the tribe and you’ll get to be part of the tribe you so much want to be,” Macavity said.

                      “But then it won’t be a tribe. The others are only loyal to Old Deuteronomy.”

                       “I’m getting real tired of hearing his name. Are you staying or do you choose to die?”

                      “I’m staying,” Rumpleteazer whispered.

                      “You’ve made a wise choice. Now go get your foolish partner.”

                      Mungojerrie somersaulted into the air as he dodged another attack from Brutus. The brown-stripped cat turned and went after Mungojerrie as he landed on his feet. Mungojerrie clawed Brutus’s face as he went by. The cat screamed and swung his pipe, which Mungojerrie easily dodged.

                      “STOP!” Rumpleteazer yelled.

                      “Rumpleteazer, what are you doing?”

                      “It can’t be done,” Rumpleteazer cried, “He was waiting. Now we have to stay or we die.”

                      “No, that can’t be,” Mungojerrie angrily stated.

                       “I told you, Macavity would win,” Brutus stated and then disappeared into the junkyard.

                       “I’m sorry,” Rumpleteazer whispered her face streaked with tears.

                        “No, I’m sorry. We should have went to Old Deuteronomy in the first place.”

                        “We still can, we just have to do it secretly.”

                        “Do you still trust them?” Brutus asked once he was in Macavity’s room.

                        “No, but let them go. I want them to go to Old Deuteronomy. With them out of the way we can concentrate on our next move. By the time the Jellicles reach us it’ll be too late.

                        “What exactly is this map?” Brutus questioned.

                        “It’ll unleash us the power needed to stop the Jellicles permanently.”

                        “There’s still no sign of the chest,” Munkustrap reported. The night had past and it was mid morning as the tribe gave a fruitless search for the chest.

                        Old Deuteronomy sighed. “Have everyone return. If we were to find it, we would have found it by now.”

                        “We can’t give up now,” Victoria stated with a smile, “Jellicles never give up. We’ll find the chest.”

                        Old Deuteronomy returned the smile as he studied her earnest face. She was an adult now, no longer an innocent kitten. Still she had a huge heart. “No we won’t give up now, but I do suggest we rest. We’ve been up all night and almost all morning.”

                      Everyone was asleep as Rumpleteazer and Mungojerrie arrived. Old Deuteronomy was resting on the old tire that led the lucky Jellicle to the Heaveside Layer. With them they dragged the chest. Suddenly Mistoffelees appeared before them. He didn’t seem to be happy to see them.

                       “We found the chest you were looking for,” Mungojerrie stated.

                       “Why don’t I believe you?” Mistoffelees replied as he circled the two cats.

                       “Why should it matter to you, we’re Jellicles too,” Rumpleteazer bitterly replied.

                       “Jellicles, I thought you were part of Macavity’s gang,” Munkustrap chimed in as he joined the black and white cat’s side.

                       “You let us in at the Jellicle Ball!” Rumpleteazer continued.

                       “It was more of a trail. I don’t find the idea of you two finding the chest while we could not. Can you explain?”

                       “What’s going on? Stop this arguing. Arguing is not going to solve anything,” Old Deuteronomy stated. “I see we have found the chest.”

                       “Let’s see if everything is there,” Old Deuteronomy continued.

                       “They’re the ones who took the chest,” Munkustrap stated, “They should be punished.

                       Everyone watched as Old Deuteronomy continued to go through the chest. Finally Old Deuteronomy stood up, his expression grim. “The most important piece is missing.”

                       “What is it?” Rumpleteazer softly asked, with fear in her eyes.

                      “It’s a piece of paper. On it is a spell that can unleash an evil spirit. This spirit can bring destruction to the Jellicles. Once long ago she almost did. If she is unleashed she will bring destruction. This was the one thing I feared would happen when I found the chest was missing.”

                     “Old Deuteronomy, we took the piece of paper. We had found the chest half-buried in dirt between the lines of the Jellicles and Macavity’s. I thought it was a treasure map. We were going to use it to buy our freedom from him. We always wanted to be part of the Jellicle tribe ever since we went to the Jellicle Ball last year,” Rumpleteazer explained.

                     “I knew it was them. They could never be trusted,” Munkustrap stated as he angrily glared at the two rogues.

                     “It doesn’t matter how they got the paper. It’s more important that we retrieve the paper before Macavity uses it. The spirit will not follow Macavity. She will only use him. We must warn the Jellicles.”

To be continued in the Fall 2000 issue...