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The Gorge

As you enter the Gorge, you notice a stone sculpter standing at postion as if it were ready to attack an intruder. You turn around see that there is a river, a few trees, and a lot of bushes and flowers every where. You turn to face the gargoyle, but he is gone.Then you start to feel a cold breath down the back of your neck. As you turn around you come face to face with the gargoyle. He says" What do you want?" You look at him terrifed as you glare into his eyes. You try to say some thing, as you open your mouth Sora comes from behind and says" Broak, you know not to scare away company!! Where is your manners?" She looks at you and smiles." We don't have any eggs but you are free to look around if you wish." says Sora. You tell her thank you and as you turn to face the gargoyle, you notice he is back to being just a statue.

This is Lightmoon, I adopted him here-> Adopt a Tenny Dragon
Hi I am Midnight. I was adopted by Kalarath.
Hello, I am Javenth. I am new here and everybody is really nice to me.
Hello, I am Moon Catcher, I am a teeny dragon to if you want to adopt one of my kind go here-> Adopt a Tenny Dragon
Hello, I am Moon Catchers' sister, My name is Light Moon. I was adopted here too->Adopt a Tenny Dragon

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