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Here I have collect some
Pokemon MIDIs from Game Boy,
the TV show, and some other one.
Thanks for visiting ^-^
Game Boy MIDIs TV Show MIDIs Other Pokemon MIDIs

Game Boy MIDIs

Intro 1 Intro 2 Ending Beginning
Ash's house Professor Oak's Lab Pallet Town 1 Pallet Town 2
Pewter City Celedon City Mt. Moon S.S Anne
Haunted Tower Route 1 Riding bike Surfing
Pokemon Center Meet Gary Hall of fame Meet Team Rocket
Meet trainer 1 Meet trainer 2 Meet trainer 3 Meet trainer 4
Gym 1 Gym 2 Gym 3 Gym leader 1
Gym leader 2 Gym leader 3

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TV show MIDIs

English intro Japanese intro 1 Japanese intro 2 Japanese intro 3
Japanese intro 4 Japanese ending 1 Japanese ending 2

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Other Pokemon MIDIs

Jigglypuff's song When James sings When Meowth Sings Pikachu's goodbye
Team Rocket Motto Team Rocket Song

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