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It's back, this time with more. More secrest, more mystery, more revilations. This new chapter will reveal the meaning behind Akane's appearant madness.Of course, I still don't have a title. Maybe with this little bit more, some other people will get ideas. If something strikes you, send it to me. I'll see if it fits the story line, and if it does, I'll use it. Someone gave me an idea a LONG time ago, but my computer ate it. I'M SORRY!! Ok. You can go and read it now.


My warning still stands, and now it has been intensified. This story remains dark, as I intended it. Please, if dark thoughts and blood bother you, don't read this story. I won't be offended. Exercise your own discretion and read at your own risk. Thank you. 


-Angel Baby


The First Chapter
The Second Chapter
Or: Take me home
