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This page is dedicated to my Dad. Born December 1927, died May 2003 at the age of 75.
This was my Dad trying to pretend to be happy at my moms' viewing and funeral. If you look closely at his eyes, you can see that will never happen again.
I'm sorry about the quality of some of these photos. Most of them are pretty old.
Here is my Dad "horsing around" with one of his granddaughters.*G* He sure did love to do that alot. LOL With anyone. *G*
Here is my Dad at Christmas. Same year as my Mom on the previous Page. Yes, I gave blankets that year.*G* And yes, he is smoking a cigarette. :(
ear Daddy,
I'm sorry it has taken me so long to write this letter to you. This letter is harder for me to write than the one that I wrote Mommy. I love you soooo much Daddy and I really wish you were still here with me. I was "Daddy's little girl", your "love baby" as you use to call me. I remember the stories that you use to tell me about the days of you growing up, and I remember how I use to love hearing them. Now I realize that I will never hear another one of your stories again.

I miss you Daddy. I miss the fact that I cannot come and see you anymore and just talk. I miss not having Daddy around to make things better when things go all down hill. I miss staying and playing cards with you and Mommy all night long, until we both got tired of losing to Mommy. I miss everything about you Daddy.

I want you to know that you were a good dad. I know you don't think you were, but you were. You may have been very strict, but having kids of my own now, I do understand why you were that way. I think I'm going to follow in your foot steps in that aspect.

I remember the "air plane" Ride you and Sam took Kellie and myself on. I remember the fourth of July that we had all those fireworks that you and Sam set off. But my number one memory of you is pulling all those nails out of all those boards with you. For days and days we did nothing but that. That was actually one of the best summers of my life dad. We would joke around and goof off, and work too, but mostly, talk.

I hate not being able to just talk to you anymore. Not being able to sit by you and give you a big hug, and hear those words "I love you baby". It kills me. Every single day since you have been gone, I cannot get you out of my head. I'm sorry for the end. I still feel like you were mad at me when I told you it was ok to let go; that you could go and be with Mommy now. I'm sorry if I made you mad Daddy. I was only trying to make it better for you. It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do in my life. I would do almost anything to get you and Mommy back right now. I love you both so unbelievably much. I just wish you were still here. I always thought that I was going to have you and Mommy around for so much longer.

I guess in a way I resent Lea, Sam and Kellie a little, because they had so much more time with you and Mom than I did. There are so many years between me and all the other kids. I just wish that you and mom would have had me earlier, so I could have gotten to spend as much of my life with you two as the other kids. BUT, I am grateful for the time the Lord did give me with you and Mom. You are a special person Daddy. You were kind and generous, even when you could not afford to be. I know not a lot of people got to see your kinder side, but I'm glad that I did. I love you for that. I will love and remember you always Daddy.



The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.

He leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in the

paths of righteousness for his name's sake...

Yea,though I walk through the valley of the

shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou

art with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort

me. Thou preparest a table before me in the

presence of mine enemies; thou anointest my

head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely

goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days

of my life; and I will dwell in the house of

the Lord forever.

Just a few things to watch over our Daddy.
Let me start by saying that the above letter was written by the youngest of us four kids. Thank you again Deanna for putting to words what I was unable to.
With that said......

Dad is a hard one to describe. He was very old-school. He was raised hard and raised most of the four of us kids hard. When I was very young Mom and Dad used to go out and have lots of fun so I'm told. I vaguely remember bits and pieces of that.

I remember him being very hard on my older sister and my brother. But then, I think they were a bit more "wild" than I was to. Not so much with me because I had and have alot of health problems. That's just how it was.

I was very close to Dad. There was a time when I was very young that I would go out into his garage where he worked at three in the morning in the middle of winter when everyone else was asleep and keep Dad company. I'm not really sure why Dad and I were so close. Maybe it was because I took an interest in fixing cars and such. There is just no telling. I know as the years went by and us kids all moved away, Dad could be really down and if I showed up he said it really made his day. :) I'm glad. Because I enjoyed being around him. Even if one never knew when his temper would flare. LOL We all have that Irish temper I'm afraid. :(

My younger sister was also very close to Dad. He gave her more freedom growing up than any of the other three of us had.LOL I guess for awhile there was some sibling rivalry there, but we, at least me, grew out of that. I can't speak for the others. LOL

I guess as with the page I'm working on for my Mom, this page too will be an ongoing process. Please be patient and bear with me on this.

Please follow my warrior to my pictures page.