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This page was last updated on: June 18, 2003

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Well, this is me. To tell you a little about me, first of all, I'm 32 and this is a really lousy picture. I like to fish and hunt, although I don't get to hunt much anymore since I lost my guns. I like to visit family and friends and do crafts and build things. When I ran accross a page that had some Native American graphics on it, it just brought something out in me. I do have some Native American background. I believe I have either Seminole or Blackfoot in me. So I guess seeing those pictures just hit a nerve or something.  I am a HUGE animal freak. Particularly horses. But also unicorns and pegasus. I have a really cute dog and one day will get her pictures up on here LOL. I am the third child having an older sister and older brother as well as a younger sister. I'm also a big science fiction freak. And if it has a lot of gore in it the better!!
I was born in St. Louis and lived there until I was 12. At which time my parents decided to move to thier present home.
I got married right out of highschool, but it didn't even last a year. I believe it was like 3 weeks shy!! Then I met a man who had been a "friend" of the family for quiet a lot of years. He and I seemed to hit it off pretty good so after about 2 or 3 months of dating I moved in with him. After 8 years I finally couldn't take him and his ways anymore so I left. We both had a very bad time of it. Both while we were together and after we seperated. That is until I met my present boyfriend. And my ex- has also found someone new, so things have worked out for the best all the way around!!And since then I have married the man that I met. :)
  This is a picture of both my babies!! "BOO-BOO" is holding my now almost five month old pekepoo puppy Dusty. Dusty is spoiled rotten!! He also likes boo-boo better than me!! LOL That's o.k. I like boo-boo better than Dusty!!!! LOL Please vist my InMemory page to find out how I lost my beloved Dusty.
All Native American Graphics are in thanks to Silverhawk graphics. Please visit them!!!!!!!
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The dove to me has always symbolized peace. Therefore, I have added it to my pages.