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This page is dedicated to my mother. Born in October of 1943, died in December of 2001 at the age of 58.

The first picture, above, is my mother when she was much younger. Her and Dad used to go out and have lots of fun. I really don't know where I am going with this page, I just know that I wanted to "pay tribute" to my loving mother.

This is mom in about 1989 or 1990. She is holding my humungous wedding cake. LOL Here she is 47 or 48. I'm sorry about the lousy dates. I just have a really bad memory.

This is the Mom we all remember most. Sitting at the kitchen table, "holding it down" as she always called it, and smoking a cigarette. Mom smoked for as long as I can remember. And I'm 32.

Mom had been in and out of the hospital for pneumonia around this time so many times that none of us can remember excactly HOW many times. But it was the last time that was the "deciding" factor.

Mom went into the hospital for the last bout of pneumonia around December of 2001. The Doctors took x-rays as usual, but her family doctor noticed something a little bit different this time. The X-Ray technincian decided to have Mom quarantined because he believed that she had tuberculosis. Her family doctor however decided that it was indeed cancer of the lungs.

Mom was always a worrier. I guess I take that from her. LOL But she was always there for us kids to. She was the most loving and understanding person I have ever known. And probably WILL ever know. If we were hurt, she was there to comfort. If we had a bad day, she was there to offer a shoulder to cry on. Very rarely ever complaining herself.

Mom and Dad truely loved each other. Although they didn't often show it. Old fashioned you know. LOL

I just don't think there are ever going to be enough words to describe my mom or my love for her. Therefore, this will be an ongoing project for me. Please be patient.

This is mom the christmas before she grew so seriously ill. As you can see, she didn't often like her picture taken. Almost all pictures here were taken "by surprise." *G* So don't expect any glamour shots. LOL

Mom was a cancer, born in October, so I decided to put her sign here.:) I thought it was cute.
This is kinda how I picture mom as an angel. I made this for her at dollzmania. If you click on her, you can make your own doll or adopt one of theirs. :)
Unfortunately, these are the last pictures I will ever get of my mom now. Sad. You think your parents are invincible. That nothing can harm them or make them go away. When in the end.................
Mom always loved owls. So here are a couple to watch over her.
The Journey
All our lives we journey down the lives pathes,

Never to find the true understanding of

life and death....

For now we are left with eyes filled with tears,

While our hearts hold the many memories for the years to come.

The silence still lingers with so many unspoken words we search to say,

While we yearn for that close embrace each and every day.

As we watch through the window of time we are faced with the challenge

to find the strenght and courage to carry on.

Never forgetting that these cherished memories are for the living.

Celebrate the future through the beauty of the past.....

ear Mom,

Mom, first I want you to know how much I loved you. you were such a God send to me. You were the only one who really understood me. I always knew that no matter what was wrong, alls I had to do was talk to Mommy and it would all be better. You have helped me so much to be the person I am today. I always wanted to be like you Mom. You were my hero.

To me, there was no one better than you. You were always so strong. You could handle more things than I could of ever dreamed of. I’m so sorry for all the hurt I caused you when I was growing up. Knowing what I know now, if I could do it all over again, I would of changed so many things. I would of treated you better, and most of all, I would of found some way to show you each and every day how much I love you mom.

I will always cherish all the good times we had mom. Like staying up late and just talking, or shopping or just sittin’ around doing nothing. Those memories I will always keep close to my heart.

I’m sorry for all the pain you felt at the end mom. I’m sorry you didn’t know who any of us was mom, but I know in my heart that you still knew we loved you. I want you to know that none of us ever gave up on you mom. All of us wanted you to pull through, but your body was just too weak to hold on. We tried our best to full fill your wishes mom. We got you home, were you wanted to be. I know in my heart that’s what you were holding on for.

God broke the mold with you mom. There is no getting any better than you were. You did more for this family than you ever realized. You really brought this family together mom. We all loved you sooo much, and now your memories and the thought of you in heaven is all that’s keeping us going. We miss you more than words could ever say, and we still love you more than could possibly be imagined.



The above letter was written by the youngest of the four of us kids. I have to say, as I read it, I cried. It said so much of what I have been unable to put to words. Thank you Deanna.
Won't you please visit my Dads' page now?
Or you can click on my little angel girl and she will take you to my pictures page. :)