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TITLE: The Snarkout Boys and the Baconburg Horror YEAR: 1984 ILLUSTRATOR: Cover illustration by Daniel Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: Out of print
SYNOPSIS: In this sequel to Snarkout Boys and the Avacado of Death, Walter, Winston and Rat are back on the case following evidence of a werewolf in the fair city of Baconburg. Is it the work of nefarious criminal, Wallace Nussbaum? Or simply a werewolf on the loose? Aided by Rat's uncle Terwilliger, world's greatest detective, Osgood Sigerson, and K.E. Kelman, werewolf expert, the adventurous trio tracks down the werewolf for a thrilling conclusion at the drive-in movie theater.
poem reprinted from The Snarkout Boys & The Baconburg Horror.

TITLE: Ducks! YEAR: 1984 ILLUSTRATOR: n/a AVAILABILITY: Out of print
SYNOPSIS: n/a (If you have read this book
email me.

TITLE: Jolly Roger, A Dog of Hoboken YEAR: 1985 ILLUSTRATOR: Daniel Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: Out of print
SYNOPSIS: Jolly Roger was dropped off in Hoboken by a ship from Alaska. He stays with The Kid who works at a garage under Marvin the Ape. The Kid is the only one who can play with Jolly Roger. Jolly Roger becomes the king of the dock yard dogs. Everyone loves him, except for the dog catcher. Jolly Roger always gets away from them. He had escaped a total of 21 times. Marvin the Ape and the Kid decide to go to Florida and get into the potato chip business. Just as they are about to leave, Jolly Roger decides to go with them.

TITLE: Young Adults YEAR: 1985 AVAILABILITY: Out of print
SYNOPSIS: This book is an extention of Young Adult Novel. The Wild Dada Ducks are a group of highschool outcasts who have a mission of conversion to Dadaism. The Ducks are gaining in notoriety when they decide to start their biggest project of all: to make their mascot, Kevin Shapiro, leader over the school. Their plan succeeds but turns the entire school against them. The Ducks decide to give up Dada for Zen, and give up high school for college. They are now known as the Dharma Ducks. Their zen master runs a local laundromat and can't stand them.
commentary on Young Adults.

TITLE: The Muffin Fiend YEAR: 1986 ILLUSTRATOR: Daniel Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: Out of print
SYNOPSIS:Inspector Charles LeChat has sought out the composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to solve the mystery of the missing muffins. Inspector LeChat is from Paris where all of the muffins are missing. The blight has stuck Vienna as well. Something must be done. Witnesses say that a nobleman who introduces himself as Don Pastrami orders large quantities of muffins and then ties up the shop owner and disappears. Even the gorgonzola muffins are gone! Mozart traces the criminal to the Vienna woods where all is discovered.
review of The Muffin Fiend.

TITLE: The Moosepire YEAR: 1986 ILLUSTRATOR: Daniel Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: Out of print
SYNOPSIS: Pinkwater sets out to uncover the mystery of the Vampire Moose of North America. Sir Charles recounts the night he photographed the huge vampire moose. It was a sbig as an onion. This mystery could only be solved by a moose himself, and the Blue Moose was called upon to investigate. The Blue Moose doesn't find the Moosepire but he does uncover an interesting time-shifting boxcar in the middle of the woods.

TITLE: The Frankenbagel Monster YEAR: 1986 ILLUSTRATOR: Daniel Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: Out of print
SYNOPSIS: Harold Frankenbagel is the Glimville Bagel Master. He creates all kinds of new and interesting bagels like ice cream bagels, talking bagels, and electronic bageloids. He also made the Glimville Bagelunculus, a huge robot-bagel which follows the commands of Harold Frankenbagel. Professor Arnold Von Sweeney reads about an account with the Glimville Bagelunculus in the newspaper. One night the giant bagel gathers strength from a bag of bright blue garlic and crashes through the laboratory wall. It is up to professor Von Sweeney to stop it.

TITLE: Uncle Melvin YEAR: 1989 ILLUSTRATOR: Daniel Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: Out of print
SYNOPSIS: Pinkwater tackles a serious issue in a lighthearted way. Charles's Uncle Melvin is crazy. Every night he has to go back to the Looney Bin where all the other crazy people go. Uncle Melvin thinks the President is really an iguana. He signals spaceships. Uncle Melvin makes Charles breakfast and walks him to school. He stays at the house all day and tends the garden. Uncle Melvin believes he can control the weather. Charles's father does not believe him but he does not think Uncle Melvin is crazy either.

TITLE: Fish Whistle YEAR: 1990 ILLUSTRATOR: Cover design by Janet Halverson AVAILABILITY: Out of print
SYNOPSIS: This is Pinkwater's first collection of essays from All Things Considered. Titled after an idea had by his Polish immigrant father, Fish Whistle contains the oft quoted essay A Hot Time in Nairobi. Pinkwater reminisces about the African safaris of his youth and his father's eternal wisdom. He covers every subject from cars, to planes to lizards in this popular book. Excellent for readers and radio fans alike.

TITLE: Borgel YEAR: 1990 ILLUSTRATOR: Cover illustration by Daniel Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: Out of print
SYNOPSIS: Melvin Spellbound doesn't know where his uncle Borgel came from. He just showed up one day in front of the house and stayed. Borgel keeps to himself but sometimes he invites Melvin into his room to listen to Mozart and drink vole moss tea. One night Borgel leaves for time-space-and-the-other with the family Dog. Melvin goes with him. They start out with a stop at a remote space root beer stand, and wind up chasing the Great Popsicle across the galaxy with a monster in disguise.

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