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TITLE: Doodle Flute YEAR: 1991 ILLUSTRATOR: Daniel Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: In print.
SYNOPSIS: Kevin Spoon is one lucky kid. He has his own room with a TV, a stereo, a computer, and purebred guppies. Mason Mintz is a weird kid. He wears the same plaid hat all the time. He says "ho" instead of "hi." He has a doodle flute. It's weird and lumpy looking but it makes really neat music. Kevin wants a doodle flute. There are no doodle flutes at the music store. Mason will not trade his doodle flute for all of the stuff in Kevin's room. But he will give it to him.

TITLE: Aunt Lulu YEAR: 1991 ILLUSTRATOR: Daniel Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: Out of print
SYNOPSIS: Aunt Lulu is a librarian in Alaska who dogsleds to mining camps with books. All the miners at the camps wait for her to come with books about kittens, pirates and cowboys. One day Aunt Lulu decides she wants to go back home to New Jersey. All of the miners say goodbye and wish her well. But Aunt Lulu can't bear to leave her dogs. She has to take them all with her. When they get to New Jersey she puts wheels on the dogsled and pink sunglasses on the dogs so she can ride the sled around town.

TITLE: Wempires YEAR: 1991 ILLUSTRATOR: Daniel Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: In print
SYNOPSIS: Jonathon watches a vampire movie on TV and decides he wants to be a vampire. He puts salad oil in his hair to slick it back, and flour on his face. Jonathon asks his mom to make him a vampire costume with a cape. Now he looks like a real vampire! Jonathon's litle sister runs screaming when she sees him. HIs parents won't let him wear the costume to school. They are mad because he is biting the other children at school. One night when Jonathon is in bed he is visited by REAL vampires!

TITLE: Chicago Days / Hoboken Nights YEAR: 1991 ILLUSTRATOR: Cover photo by Kathy McLaughlin AVAILABILITY: Out of print
SYNOPSIS: This book is a semi-autobiographical collection of essays that Pinkwater performed on All Things Considered. He tells stories of his childhood, teenage years, and college life in a funny, touching, and matter-of-fact way. Animal lovers will enjoy the stories about his dogs. Pinkwater traces through his journey as an artist in the sixties, to the beginning of his career in writing. This book is a close and personal look at an author beloved by generations.
excerpt from Chicago Days/ Hoboken Nights here.

TITLE: Guys From Space YEAR: 1992 ILLUSTRATOR: Daniel Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: Out of print
SYNOPSIS: Something is coming down into the back yard. It is big. It is a spaceship! Space guys want to know if you will go for a ride. You have to ask your mother. You can go if you're home in time for dinner. The space guys take you to a planet. There are no dangerous animals there. There is a talking rock. The rock tells you about a rootbeer stand. The root beer stand sells root beer with ice cream in it. The space guys have never heard of this before. They want to go back and tell the people on their planet all about it.

TITLE: The Phantom of the Lunch Wagon YEAR: 1992 ILLUSTRATOR: Daniel Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: In print
SYNOPSIS: Chris Kevin-Keith loves the old lunch wagon. He wants to fix it up and re-open it. He buys it for a dollar. Old Mr. Wiggins knows a horrible, terrrible secret about the lunch wagon. The lunch wagon had a phantom! Bot nobody listens to Old Mr. Wiggins. Chric Kevin-Keith fixes up the lunch wagon and calls it The Jolly Trolley. People from all around West Cheddar Street ate at the Jolly Trolley. Then strange things began happening. There were noises and shadows. The phantom was back!

TITLE: Author's Day YEAR: 1993 ILLUSTRATOR: Daniel Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: In print
SYNOPSIS:The children at Melvinville Elementary are excited that Bramwell Wink-Porter, author of The Fuzzy Bunny is coming to thier school. Only he didn't write The Fuzzy Bunny. He wrote The Bunny Brothers. Well, nevermind, Mr. Wink-Porter has a big day in store for him. The kindergarten class suprises him with pancakes, the second graders with bunny masks they made, and the fourth and fifth graders with drawings of the Fuzzy Bunny. Daniel Pinkwater says this never happened to him.

TITLE: The Magic Moscow YEAR: 1993 ILLUSTRATOR: Daniel Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: Out of print
SYNOPSIS: Steve Nickelson owns the Magic Moscow in New Jersey. Norman Bleistift works for him during the summer. He likes working there. Steve collects comic books. His favorite comic book is about Sergeant Schwartz of the Yukon and his Great Dog Hercules. Steve wants to get a dog like Hercules, and Alaskan Malemute. He buys one named Platinum Blazing Yukon Flash from a fat greasy man. Norman and steve call the dog Edward. Steve decides to put Edward in a show where he starts a riot.

TITLE: Spaceburger: A Kevin Spoon and Mason Mintz Story YEAR: 1993 ILLUSTRATOR: Daniel Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: In print
SYNOPSIS: Mason Mintz is a weird kid. Kevin Spoon is his best friend. Mason Mintz convinces Kevin Spoon to walk thrre miles to the next town for the grand opening of a Spaceburger restaraunt. Kevin doesn't know what is so great about Spaceburger but he goes anyway. On their way to Exitville, Mason and Kevin sing a song about lovely ravioli. When they get to Spaceburger they are served by an android who can walk up walls. But that's only the beginning!

TITLE:Blue Moose, and Return of Blue Moose YEAR: 1993 ILLUSTRATOR: Daniel Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: Out of print
SYNOPSIS: These are the two Blue Moose books together in one volume. They are about Blue Moose and Mr. Breton's restaraunt. See below for a complete synopsis.

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