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TITLE: Ned Feldman, Space Pirate YEAR: 1994 ILLUSTRATOR: Daniel Pinkwater AVAILABILITY:In print
SYNOPSIS: Ned Feldman is allowed to stay home by himself sometimes. He is getting ice water from the kitchen when he hears a noise from under the sink. The noise turns out to be a space pirate named Captain Bugbeard, who is not very scary. Captain Bugbeard takes Ned out into space to a little planet with warm snow and big chickens. They stay and slide on the warm, frozen lake until a yeti chases them away.

TITLE: Attila the Pun: A Magic Moscow Story YEAR: 1994 ILLUSTRATOR: Daniel Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: Out of print
SYNOPSIS: Norman Bleistift works at the Magic Moscow. His friend, Steve Nickelson is the owner. Steve is friends with a hack magician named Lamont who uses Norman to perform an old spell that is supposed to bring someone back from the dead. When the spell works Norman is stuck with Attila the Hun's smelly, horrible brother who hangs around the Magic moscow scaring customers. Norman and Steve have to figure out how to get rid of him before they go out of business.

TITLE: The Afterlife Diet YEAR: 1995 ILLUSTRATOR: Lilly Langotsky AVAILABILITY: In print and available at Xlibris
SYNOPSIS: This book looks at the afterlife and other things from a strictly fat perspective. What lies beyond this life? What is heaven like? What about God? The answers can be found here. Follow characters like Milton, Linda and Milo around in their lives and afterlives for a slightly hallucinatory view of reality and un-reality.
ADDITIONAL INFO: Here is a link to an interview with Pinkwater in which he talks about The Afterlife Diet.

TITLE: Wallpaper from Space YEAR: 1996 ILLUSTRATOR: Jill Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: In print
SYNOPSIS: Steve's mom is re-decorating the house and changing everything. She keeps throwing out his old stuff and Steve gets angry. His mom lets him pick out his own wallpaper. Steve wants wallpaper with pictures of cannibals eating people, but the store doesn't have any. They do have spaceship wallpaper that looks like space, with red spaceships and spacemen. It even glows in the dark! At night the wallpaper comes alive and sucks Steve into space.

TITLE: The Magic Goose YEAR: 1996 ILLUSTRATOR: Jill Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: In print
SYNOPSIS: Seymour Semolina loves to read. He reads at school. He reads at home. He reads on the bus. His favorite book is called Seymour and the Magic Pudding, by Nathaniel Inkblotter. Seymour wishes something magical would happen to him. One night a magic goose visits him to take him on an adventure. Seymour quite know what to make of a six foot goose that talks, but the night is one he will not soon forget.

TITLE: Five Novels YEAR: 1997 ILLUSTRATOR: Cover photo by Kathy McLaughlin AVAILABILITY: In print
SYNOPSIS: A collection of five great Pinkwater novels all bound into one book. They are, in order, Alan Mendelsohn, the Boy from Mars, Slaves of Spiegel, The SnarkOut boys and the Avacado of Death, the Last Guru, and Young Adult Novel. These five favorites are difficult to find anywhere else and are forworded by Jules Feiffer. See previous pages for a complete synopsis of each book.
commentary on Five Novels, and here is a review of Five Novels.

TITLE: Young Larry YEAR: 1997 ILLUSTRATOR: Jill Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: In print
SYNOPSIS: Larry is a young polar bear that lives with his mother and his brother Roy. Larry likes to take naps and eat blueberries. Roy likes to hunt. One day their mother says it is time for them to go out on their own. Larry falls asleep on an ice floe and floats all the way to Bayonne New Jersey. Larry gets a job as a lifeguard in New Jersey so he can buy his blueberry muffins, but his boss finds out that he is a polar bear and thinks that he might eat people.
review of Young Larry.

TITLE: At the Hotel Larry YEAR: 1997 ILLUSTRATOR: Jill Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: In print
SYNOPSIS: Larry lives in a hotel named after him. He is the lifeguard at the icy cold pool. He gets all the blueberry juice he wants. The Frobisher's daughter is Larry's friend. She takes him out for pancakes in disguise. One day they decide to go to the zoo where Larry runs into his brother Roy. Roy lives at the zoo with bears one and three now. Larry asks the Frobishers if he can invite them home to dinner.
review of At the Hotel Larry.

TITLE:Second Grade Ape YEAR: 1998 ILLUSTRATOR: Jill Pinkwater AVAILABILITY: In print
SYNOPSIS: Flash Fleetwood hears a noise in the bushes. Is it a really big cat? Not quite. It is a gorilla! Flash Fleetwood can keep him if nobody claims him. He shows the gorilla to his best friend Bullets Birkenstock, and his dog Rolf. They name him Phil. Phil is a nice tame gorilla, but what will happen when he goes to second grade?

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