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A selection of tropical rainforest medicinal plants
passed down by traditional healers of Samoa.
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Samoan - Scientific - Common
Polynesian Uses
Remedies and Folklore
or Oil
Aoa -  Polynesian Banyan Aoa
Ficus prolixa
Polynesian Banyan
For stomach ache, urinary tract problems, vaginal infections, cathartic action, and is said to have vigorous properties tincture
2 oz
Ateate - Beach Sunflower Ateate -
Wollastonia biflora-
Beach Sunflower
Urinary tract problems, eczema, tonic blood cleaner, and aromatic. tincture
2 oz
Matalafi Matalafi -
Psychotria insularum -
For wounds and inflammations and supernaturally induced ailments. tincture
2 oz

oil  2 oz.
Fua Sina - Beach Pea Fua sina -
Vigna marina-

Beach Pea
For skin inflammation, 'ghost sickness' in children, carbuncles, and deep abscesses. oil
2 oz
Moso'oi - Perfume Tree Moso'oi -
Cananga odoratum -
Perfume tree
For stomach pain, constipation, indigestion , and colic. Strongly aromatic. tincture
2 oz

oil  2 oz.
Seasea Seasea -
Syzgium corynocarpum-
Ancient cultivation, inflammations, skin sores, urinary tract inflammations. A common children's medicine. tincture
2 oz

oil  2 oz.
Talie - Polynesian Almond Talie -
Terminalia catappa-
Polynesian almond
Edible fruit, mouth infections, intestinal ailments tincture
2 oz
Usi - Island Musk Usi -
Euodia hortensia-
Island musk
Widespread   ancient use in Polynesia for supernatural illness. Said to attract friendly spirits and repel bad ones. Fungal infections, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and aromatic. tincture
2 oz

oil  2 oz.
Vi - Polynesian Plum Vi -
Spondias dulcis-
Polynesian plum
Edible fruit, use dates to ancient times. For ulcers, digestive tract problems, and throat infections. tincture
2 oz
Nonu Fiafia - Malay Apple Nonu fiafia -
Syzgium malaccpense -
Malay apple
Edible fruit, carried throughout Polynesia by ancient voyagers. Astringent properties, coughs, sore throat, mouth sores,thrush, bronchitis, tuberculosis, and digestive disorders. tincture
2 oz

oil  2 oz.
Milo - Pacific Rosewood Milo -
Thespesia populnea -
Pacific rosewood
A symbol of peace planted around ancient temples. For coughs , thrush, urinary tract problems, purgative, rashes, ringworm, and other skin ailments. tincture
2 oz

oil  2 oz.
nopic.jpg (3383 bytes) Esi -
Carica papaya -

Papaya leaf
Promotes health and healing, evidence that leaves may combat metabolic disease. Reports indicate that it has dramatic effects on many cancers and tumors N/A dried
$10.00/150gr with instructions
tauaga01.JPG (13198 bytes) Tauaga -
N/A -

Squeezer/body scrubber
These fibers are used for straining coconut milk and other liquids as well as used for a body sponge similar to the 'lufa' sponge. Processed from wild Helenconia plants. N/A
$5.00/packet approx dimensions are 8 x 4 x 4 in.
Kava Kava and Kava Blends
Ghost Kava Kava Kava Kava -
Piper methystium-

Kava kava
Traditional ceremonial drink for Meetings and Village ceremonies throughout Oceania. Kava cleans and flushes the kidneys and urinary tract and has a long history of healing infections associated with these areas of the body. tincture
2 oz
ghostkava.JPG (27489 bytes) Fua manogi -
Piper greaffei-

Ghost kava kava
A wild cousin of Kava kava with a long history in Polynesia. A tonic, anti-depressant, reputed aphrodisiac also believed to have supernatural healing properties. Aromatic. tincture
2 oz
Ghost Kava Kava Kava-Fiu Mix-
Piper methystium-
zingiber officiinale-roskoe

Kava & Ginger
A popular mix with local healers, specific for aching bones, backache, stomach problems and fatigue. For endurance working in the hot sun and also a reputed aphrodisiac. tincture
2 oz
Ghost Kava Kava Kava-Polo Feu Mix -
Piper methystium
Capsicum frutescens

Kava & Red Pepper
Tasting like a hot 'Bloody Mary', this formula is used as a tonic. The capsicum adds taste and acts as a carrier or boost for the effects of Kava. tincture
2 oz
Ghost Kava Kava Kava-Fau Mix -
Piper methystium-
Hibiscus tiliaceus

Kava & Fau bark
Many Islanders will not drink Kava without Fau. It is believed to increase the Kava's strength. The mucilage from the inner bark is also used for eye ailments and for cuts by Island healers. tincture
2 oz
The above descriptive materials are used by permission of  Dr. W. Arthur Whistler
Click here to find books by Dr. Whistler
Alcohol tinctures, in 2 ounce amber glass dropper bottles, are for internal use. 
Herbs infused in pure Samoan coconut oil are for external use only.
Dried Herbs are available in 1 to 4 oz. packages.
Pacific Basin Nursery
PO BOX 3412
Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799
Tel.(684)644-1416, e-mail at
Free postage to anywhere in the USA.