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Sailormoon links:
Sailormoon Heaven
Bab's Sailormoon Page
Cherry Hill Temple
Doc Law's Sailormoon Wallpaper Page

Fun stuff:
Angelfire Tarot See what the future holds for you
Elfwood Fantasy Art Gallery Cool site with great art. If you are an aspiring artist check it out. You can get an account and show off your work here! If you are a stick figure artist like me you can go and marvel at other peoples work. Or make a gallery of stick figures... your choice!
Pretty Cats If you like cats... go here.

Pretty Pictures:
Starfield Unicorn Totally beautiful... wish I could get a poster and stick it on my bedroom wall. It's a rare thing to fnd a unicorn without waterfalls and flowers and such all around it. It shows the pureness of it's beauty and power in a blaze of white fire.
The Look The artist expalins it all... or not.
Dragonfly This is so cute. I love it. More poster material if you ask me.
COlorful Stares Neato looking elfs type pic. Looks like an Anime.

Tickbox A cool guy. Check out his writings area. If you were ever in a band or corp you know just what he means.
Another Tickbox Another page by the same person... yet diffent than the last.
Lovecraft Park A very good friend of mine that has helped me in so many ways. This site being one of them. Check out her page. It's got neato Midis and some of her artwork. * I think she is very talented in my not so humble opion.
The Nut House An awesome place to play. Go and get lost for hours and hours!
Death Pig A new site buy a bored friend.... I have no idea what is on it yet. Actually, not much is on it yet.