Disclaimer Before I staer getting complaints, I want to make a few things straight, as this disclaimer will do. Any questions about anything mentioned here, email me at shatter_star1@hotmail.com
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- Content
The content of this Site may not be suitable for anyone under the age of 14 (As I have mentioned on the main Page). Some areas of this Site are profane and/or vulgar. And I gotta lot of sarcasm here, too. There may be things mentioned within these Pages that may possibly offend people; if you are easily offended, please leave now. I do not speak in malace; everything is sarcasm, nothing more. So if you read anything that offends you, please take it to heart that it's just my being a smartass.
Also, I have no control of the content of my guest book and Slam Book. Keep this mind as you are reading it (And take advantage of it when/if you sign either of them.
- Literature Pages
The literature Pages contains poetry and/or other types of writing that may seem offensive to some people. This section has poetry and/or writings that speak of pain, violence, rape, death, suicide and/or insanity. If you're unable to read these without breaking into hysterics or something, just don't read 'em.
- Copyrights
I let people submit things to me (Like games, poems and/or short stories, etc.). These things help make this Site better, as I try to make it as best as I can. When I add things to my Site, I don't ask for any copyright information from the ppl who submit things to me. If by any chances you find something in this Site that lawfully belongs to you, please email me and tell me the item that belongs to you and the Page it's located on. I'll respond to your email as soon as physically possible.