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A bird in hand is better than two in the bush

The moral of this statement is that we should have some contentment with what we have and should not become so greedy as to risk our present fortunes. While legitimate ambition and struggle to rise in life are commendable virtues, unreasonable greed and craze to get rich-quick always lands one into serious trouble. The story of kind Midas is an eye-opener in this connection. Not content with his treasures of gold and silver, he begged golden touch and in the bargain he lost his meals, his drinking water and finally his dearest little daughter of whom he was so fond, because as soon as he touched these, all these things turned into gold. In our times, we have seen the fate of many people who go to England, U.S.A and other countries as unauthorized immigrants to get rich quickly and most of those who come back are disappointed having lost all their previous possessions at the hands of unscrupulous travel agents. Some of these people even lose their life and honour.

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