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No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money

Shaw once said that when he wrote his plays he had one eye on the pocket of the audience. Money makes the mare go and writers have been, through the ages, motivated by money to press their pen into service. Shakespeare lived in the age of patrons and his sonnets and plays were written to please them. These patrons were the bread givers and to please them was to lease God. When the Institution of patronage was virtually kicked by Dr.Johnson, there came the middle class reading public to feed the belly as well as the vanity of the writer. The writer, however, does not live by bread alone. He writes potboilers indeed, but then there is the urge for self-expression. If one eye is riveted on the pocket of the readers, the other is glancing at the indefinable entity known as the writer's personality. If the body needs food, so does the mind.

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