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Lend your cars to all, your tongue to few

When it comes to reposing our confidence in somebody, we must be very cautious. If we pour out the innermost secrets of our heart to some wicked person thoughtlessly, we are bound to come to grief. In the present day world, many of wolf in sheep's clothing in always on the prowl. We daily hear the read about the misdeeds to thugs and confidence tricksters, who first win over the confidence of the unsuspecting victims and then relieve them of their live's earnings by a single stroke. Sometimes, such people relieve their victims not only of money and valuables, but also of their life and honour. We should, therefore, be very choosy about our friends, well wishers and confidants speaker. We must listen to everybody, take into consideration every idea, but use our judgement. We must express our own views and secrets only to the trusted few, who have stood the test of time. Any lapse in this respect may cost us heavily.

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