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A hungry man is an angry man

Man does not live by bread alone. But he cannot live without bread at all. The bread is the foremost need of man. Even good morality and love come afterwards. The body needs its fuel and lubrication constantly. Philosophy, missionary zeal, lofty ideals, dedication or love cannot fill an empty stomach. Therefore, at times of dire need, man can stoop to the lowest levels to satisfy his hunger. If his efforts to satisfy his hunger fail, his patience is exhausted. He loses his balance of mind and becomes desperate. He may even begin to behave like a mad dog. At this stage, tell him to wait a little longer or try to feed him on sermons or philosophies and he will hit you on the head. Arguments will not fill his belly. The will only infuriate him. He may even resort to violence without any provocation because hunger itself is the greatest provocation. Therefore, the modern welfare state should see to it that no body is left hungry.

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